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So I've made the decision this is the last chapter. I'll explain why with an authors note!

"Who is it, babe?" Ace yelled from the kitchen. I stood in the doorway, staring at the officer. They never gave out good news.

I heard Ace's footsteps travel closer to me. My breathing was getting heavier.

"Phoenix, let the officer in," Ace whispered.

My body moved all by itself, opening the door all the way and letting him in. Ace grabbed my hand and led us to the kitchen table. My feet dragged my body there.

Ace and I sat on one side of the table, the officer on the other. I didn't realize he had a folder with him. He laid it out on the table.

"I have bad news and semi good news," he started. "Which would you like first?"

"The semi good, I guess," I croaked.

"We have found a vehicle with evidence of a car crash. Here are some pictures, let me know if it looks familiar in any way," he stated.

My eyes went wide at the truck. It was a dark green, eerily similar truck. Even the license plate was familiar.

"That's my mom's truck," I whispered.

"Pardon me?" The officer asked.

"It's my mom's truck," I said slightly louder.

Ace ran his hand up and down my back. It didn't really register with me. My breathing became shallow.

"We were able to determine that this was no accident. The speed the truck was driving indicated that it was looking for trouble. Now whether or not the driver wanted to hit another car, is unknown," the man explained.

"I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," I muttered.

"Most likely that is the case. Now, the news I'm about to deliver isn't going to be good. Phoenix, the driver of the truck was your mother. It is to my attention that she was supposed to be in a rehab facility, but she escaped. We found the truck wrapped around a telephone pole in a town about 35 miles away. Your mother was in the car, and she did not survive," he told me, gravely.

My ears started to ring. I looked over at Ace, who was currently talking to the officer. I looked at the photos more closely, there was no evidence of my mom ever being in the car.

I knew that I shouldn't have felt remorse over her death, she never did anything for me. But at the same time, I knew deep down I had hope for the rehab. I hoped the rehab would help her and she would come back to me and be a part of my life. This is what you get for hoping.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Ace and  the officer. I put my face in my hands.

".....and her alcohol levels were through the roof. I honestly don't know how she drove that far," the officer said.

"Where is the body now?" Ace asked, still rubbing my back.

I didn't want to know. I plugged my ears and focused on my breathing, which was becoming more and more difficult.

"You're not in any rush to plan a funeral. And it's up to Phoenix what happens to the body," the officer said.

He took his envelope and stood up. He shook Ace's hand, placed a hand on my back in sympathy and left.

"Baby, come on, look at me," Ace pleaded.

I took another shaky breath and pulled my face out of my hands. I looked into his baby blues, they instantly made me feel more secure.

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