The Truth

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I was in and out in the hospital bed. Doctors were in and out also. Almost all of the pain had been alleviated from my body. But there was one pain they couldn't fix; heartbreak. I had butterflies in my stomach from the thought of Ace coming to see me.

He shouldn't apologize to me because he didn't really do anything wrong. I mean, I know he left me alone in my time of need, but he was just protecting me.

I had a broken leg, right across the middle of my shin. I had bruising everywhere across my body. A long gash was across my forehead, past my eye and ended at the beginning of my cheek. The doctor said it shouldn't scar because it wasn't very deep, but you never know. I had a slight concussion which was giving me the headaches. And I guess the way the car was wrapped around the tree, I'm very lucky to be walking out with just those injuries.

My doctor walked in with a nurse.

"You have a visitor if you're up for it," Dr.Grey said.

"Male, leather jacket, pretty blue eyes," the nurse said.

I knew I didn't have a right to be jealous when she said that, but I was. I wanted Ace to myself.

"You can send him in. How long can he stay?" I asked.

"Well its noon now and visiting hours end at eight. So he can stay until 8 if he wants too," Dr. Grey replied. She was one of the nicest doctors I've had.

"Thank you," I said. My doctor and nurse checked over my vitals quick and changed my guazes. Once they left, I ran my hands through my hair to make sure I didn't look like I came out of a car accident.

It didn't take long for Ace to come into my room. He looked worse than I felt. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was all over the place, and his body language was hard to read.

He slowly walked in, stopping at the door frame. He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels. I gave him a small smile.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Phoenix," he smiled.

"Don't just stand there, come sit down," I gestured towards the blue chair by my bed.

He walked over to the side of my bed and sat down. He pulled the chair as close as he could to my bed. He grabbed my hand and gently squeezed.

"Why are you crying?" I whispered.

"I thought I lost you," he said, his voice cracking. "I was going crazy while the doctors were working on you."

"You can't lose me if you never had me," I whispered. I instantly regretted it. Ace's face dropped and he pulled his hand away.

He got up from his chair and paced by my bed. He stopped mid stride and turned to me. He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut. He headed towards the door.

"Wait," I begged.

"Phoenix, you're driving me crazy," he replied with his back turned to me.

"I know. I know am I," I admitted.

"I don't know what to say," Ace proclaimed.

"You said you needed to apologize," I suggested.

"I do, but I don't know where to start," he admitted.

"Start from the beginning," I said.

He sat back down in the chair but he didn't grab my hand. I tried to push myself up so I could see him better, but I was too weak. Ace stood up and gently pulled me into a sitting position. He sat back down.

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