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"Absolutely not," I replied, shaking my head. I was not going to let Ace just pay for my medical bills. The person who hit me with their car could pay for it.

"Why not? I have more money than I know what to do with," he explained.

"I don't care if you have all the money in the world, it's not right of me to have you pay for my bills. I got in the accident, I'll pay the repercussions," I declared.

"Listen, I don't have all the money in the world, but I have enough to live off of, no matter how many accidents you get into," Ace said, trying to prove a point. He turned his body towards me and put his hands on my cheeks.

"Ace, you are not paying for my medical bills," I said, holding my ground.

He groaned in frusturation. "Jade told me about your college fund."

"Of course she did. That's nothing to worry about," I sighed.

"If you want to go to college and you have to pay for it, you need all the money you can get. Let me do something nice for you," he pleaded.

His face was so close to mine, my thoughts jumbled into a ball of mess. I wanted to lean in and kiss him but that wouldn't be a very memorable first kiss. And at the same time I wanted to argue my point. My mind obviously disagreed with me.

"Fine," I sighed.

He smiled like he won a million bucks.

"Thank you," he replied. He kissed my forehead and went back into his sitting position by my head.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 4," he said.

"Want to take me to the public library where you help those little kids?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"It starts at 6. We'll see how you feel," he replied.

I groaned and rolled down onto the floor very slowly. I had to be careful with my leg. Once I reached the floor I put my head in Ace's lap.

"What are we going to do until then?" I whispered.

He looked at me. "I think it's time you learned about some of my history."


Ace had carried me to my room and laid me in my bed. He elevated my leg and then crawled in next to me. He ran his hand through my hair, my head on his chest. I was nervous that I couldn't handle his past.

"When I was younger, like 10, I remember my mom always wanting to go on vacation. She always said she that my dad needed the house to himself for a while so he could work in peace. I never wanted to go because that would have meant me leaving my best friend. You'll learn more about her later. But anyways, I didn't think anything of my mom wanting to go on vacation until one night they were having a huge argument. I think I was eleven and it was really late. I don't remember the details, but it was about me. I laid in my bed and cried myself to sleep. The next morning I woke up to my mom and bruising across her forearms. I asked her what happened and she said she fell into her bedroom door. I knew she was lying, she always blinked twice before answering. I dropped the subject and started paying close attention to her. About a month went by and she started getting more bruises. It was the first of June, and my parents were in the hallway upstairs, directly outside my room. I think they figured I was asleep and their yelling wouldn't wake me up. It got heated real fast; my father threatened to kill my mother if she didn't get rid of me. And that's when I figured it out that the problem was always me. When my father threatened to kill my mother, I bolted out of my bedroom and ran in between them. All I can remember is my dad glaring at me, his hands in fists," he murmured. He stopped playing with my hair.

Mr.Bad Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن