Chapter 17

121 3 17

Katie's pov

I couldn't believe how my evening had panned out, and I wasn't even upset by it. Things with Harry are far from being how they used to be, and I don't think they ever will be how they used to be. I'm okay with that. But, it was nice to have Harry there today, don't get me wrong Delilah would have been great too. But she would have been so angry it would have ended up in me trying to calm her down. It was just nice to be able to cry, with no interruptions. 

I have always been able to be completely myself with him. Say whatever I was thinking and show any emotions I was feeling. I never saw it as a bad thing to have between us, and I still don't. 

I guess its just scarier now because I have no clue where I stand with him like I used too. So, every time I say something I am constantly worried its going to be the last time I say something to him. 

Thats why I just don't say anything. 

But amongst all the surprises of tonight, where Harry needed to 'drop in' was the strangest one. He ended up taking us to a small venue in Camden called 'KOKO'. The interior was one of the most beautiful I had seen. All red and gold, and had clearly been a theatre at some point in the past, but turned into an intimate music venue. From the ceiling hung a disco ball that reflected around the small room, off the stage lights.

The stage was lit up, much brighter than the rest of the venue, and had men in black jeans and t-shirts clearing off instrements and microphones. To the left of the stage was two large double doors that Harry guided me through, placing his hand on my lower back. He kept it there as we walk through the cold corridors that lined the back stage area. The walls painted white with cracks of the original bricks breaking through disrupting the perfect colour. 

We must have taken about three corners until my eyes meet the door labelled 'green room' and Harry takes his hand off my back to push the door handle down from beside me and opening it up. 

To my surprise the room was much larger than the one I had been at before, even though it was a smaller venue. Black curtains lined the room with black leather sofas and arm chairs in the middle. Niall, Liam and Zayn are scattered over the furniture, Liam and Zayn's feet resting up the round white coffee table opposite them. 

"Styles where the hell have you been?!" Liam shoots up in his seat, dropping his shoes off the table. 

"Katie needed help" Harry shrugs casually. Nodding his head to his side towards me. 

"Rob is going to kill you" Zayn pipes up from beside Liam.


"Where is he anyway?" Harry questions

"In the office, talking to Lou" Zayn replies. 

Harry doesn't say anything else, just nods and turns around and heads back out to the backstage corridors. Leaving me with alone with the boys. 

"You okay?" Niall finally talks. 

"Yeah, just a long night" I mumble out with a slight laugh. 

He just nods and pulls his arm out, gesturing towards the open seat next to him. I drag my feet along the laminate flooring and plop myself down into the leather chair. The fabric was cool against the back of my bare legs. "Why is Harry in trouble?" I speak up turning to look at Niall 

"Because he missed the gig?" His brows furrow in slight confusion and by the sound of his voice, it sounds like I should have already known that information. 

"What gig?" I ask back, trying to confirm my thoughts. 

"The one we played tonight- I'm sorry did Harry not say anything?" 

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