Chapter 6

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Delilah was right. My house is going to be fucked.

Apparently Niall's definition of 'a few people' is over 50 randoms in my house. All of them have their shoes on can I add, and not a single one has wished me a happy birthday. I haven't even seen Harry, Lou or Niall all night. It's about time Harry has a new blonde hanging off his shoulder. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he is pre occupied with that.

At some point through the night I had lost Dee so I was wondering around like a headless chicken. In my own house. I run into the kitchen to pour myself another drink, I had left my archers out when I first opened it, so that was now a free for all. I grabbed whatever I saw first and tipped it into my mouth straight. Tequila.

I take the bottle with me whilst exiting the kitchen. Pouring another shot into my mouth. I just wanted to find someone who I knew. Even though I was in my house I felt extremely uncomfortable. I duck into the toilet to quickly gather myself. 

I looked into the mirror and see my mascara had slightly smudged under my eyes. I quickly wiped it away. My black dress bunched slightly at the bottom. Pulling  it down and brushing out my hair with my fingers, I grab the bottle of liquor and open up the door.

As I walk out of the bathroom and back down the hallway towards the lounge I am met with Delilah running towards me, dragging Niall behind her. "Where the fuck have you been?" She shouts in my ear over the loud music

"I could ask you the same, Niall what the fuck do you call this? I snap my head over to him.

"You'll have parties like this all the time in London, get used to it" He smirks

"Thats different, its not in my house" I defend

"Whatever you say Picasso" He brings his cup to his lips taking a long gulp. "Do you know where Harry and Lou are?"

I shake my head "I haven't  seen them all night"

"Harry was on about some girl being here who he wanted to talk to, but if he's not in here I don't know where he could be"

I was kind of hoping the loud music meant I was hearing Niall incorrectly, but I knew I wasn't that lucky. Like I said, it's about time for H to have some new girl wrapped around his finger. Before one of them can say anything else I down the rest of the tequila bottle and walk away. I hear Dee call my name but I ignore her and make my way up the stairs. I burst through my bedroom door and stop in my tracks.

"Harry?" I croak out. He is stood over my dressing table, holding something in his hands. His tall frame looms over the furniture. He doesn't even flinch to my sudden entrance. "Are you okay?" I speak up again. Slowly walking closer to him.

He mutters something under his breath but I can't hear him.

"I'm sorry H, what did you say?" Im still walking towards him as I talk slowly. Unable to see what he's holding in his hands.

"Your not wearing it" He mumbles.

I narrow my eyes so I am able to see straight. My necklace.

"Oh, I- I just didn't want it to break that's all H"

"Please wear it, I want to see you in it. Before you go"

"Harry, I'm going to see you after today, how much have you had to drink" I laugh.

He shoots his head to reach mine, his pupils are large, answering my previous question for me. I have never seen him this drunk, or at least look it. He is usually so composed.

"Please Katie, for me" There's a desperation to his voice, and face.

I quickly nod before reaching out to take the necklace. He moves his hand away from mine.

The Waiting Game || Harry StylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz