Chapter 13

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Katies pov

Harry has no idea what he's started by saying that to me, Will had only just stopped bringing up the fact Liam and Zayn had walked us home. And now I'll have this to deal with. I didn't dare look back at Harry as I walked away, it took everything in me to keep my head forward instead of spinning around. I reach my hand down to Will's to grab, but he moves his away out of my reach. 

And so it starts. 

We carry on walking for a while in silence, but I know I need to try make nice now to soften the blow. Whenever I've tried to play him at his own game it always ends worse. "Thank you for coming, it's really kind of you" 

"Mmhm" He murmurs out, lips in a straight line and jaw tight. 

"Did you walk over?" I question, ignoring his bluntness. 


"Oh was the tube busy?" 

"Didn't get the tube" Not even looking at me, just stare set straight on the road ahead. 

"Oh, did you get the bus then?" 

"Fuck me. Didn't realise we were playing twenty questions. I drove is that ok?" Finally snapping, his voice is harsh and heavy. 

"No that's fine. I'm sorry" Taking my eyes off him and focusing back ahead of me. 

"Sorry for what? Being so fucking irritating or spending the afternoon with some random man?" 

"No, Will it wasn't like that I promise, I just bumped into him and he said hello, that's all that happened" My words were spilling out like I couldn't stop, I needed him to believe me. 

We turn a corner and head down a small side road, much quieter than the one we just walked down. The road was darker then the other one, street lights scattered out further apart than before. The two of us carried on walking until we reached his car, walking around the front of it to let myself in the passengers side. 

Will has always driven nice cars, he had a Mercedes at the moment, all black and leather interior. I always admired him driving in London, because I couldn't think of anything worse, I did try to learn in my first year but I got twenty minutes into my first lesson and quit on the spot. It was so busy and everyone was always using their horns even if you didn't need too. So, I got out and walked back to my uni accommodation. 

We pulled away before I could even put my seatbelt on, making me jolt forward. "I'm so sorry, can you slow down a second, I just need to put my belt on." 

My request was denied as the car sped up down the pedestrian filled streets. People moving out of the way of the speeding car and shouting as we passed. I wrestled with the belt but it kept getting jammed with my harsh pulls. 

"Will please, the belt is jammed" I plead, with him. 

"Your fine, the drive is only 5 minutes, you probably got it stuck in the door." 

"Okay? Can we pull over then so I can check?"  slightly taken aback by his sudden lack of safety.

"No. Your fine" 

He carried on speeding down the roads, taking corners harshly forcing me to grab onto the door for support. I kept looking over to him face cold and stern, causing my stomach to turn slightly. I had never seen him like this before, normally so composed even when angry but that had all seemed to go out the window. But, this can't just be because of me talking to Harry. 

"Tell me the truth Katie" He snaps 

"W-what do you mean truth?" stomach dropping at the question

"Stop fucking lying, if you were buying a necklace where is it?" 

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