Chapter 1

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Katie Martin

"I got in" I gasped out, my eyes already starting to rim with tears. I stared looking at the email I had just received from my dream University. UAL, University of Arts London, the only university I have ever seen my self attending. My jaw hung open in absolute disbelief re reading the word over, and over. 


"I can't believe I got in" I stated back quietly to myself, almost as if I needed to convince my brain that my eyes weren't lying and I would be moving to London in September.

UAL has been an absolute dream of mine ever since I could remember. The amount of open days I had dragged my friends to was getting obscene at this rate. Looking at every single art class they had ever offered, just to make sure I would be closing the right one. But open days seemed to mean nothing now, because I would be living there. 

It seemed like my fingers moved faster than my brain when opening FaceTime to call Harry. I listened to the ringing impatiently almost combusting by how excited I was to share the news with him. We'd been my best friends for 6 nearly 7 years. Ever since we got sat next to each other in Year 7 and he complimented my Fantastic Mr. Fox book. We have been attached at the hip since.

My waiting for his answer was quickly stopped when I hear a "What's the verdict" through the speakers.

"I got in" I squealed. I had debated doing a whole 'sad' act, but that came to abundant stop, as soon as I saw his face. 

"You got in?!" He questions, leaning in closer to the camera with his eyes wide. 

I give him a nod in response, biting down on my lower lip trying, to contain the cheesy grin creeping up on me. 

"I am so proud of you Katie" My lip unfolds with his comment, no longer able to hold back any expression. "What are you doing tonight" 

"Nothing planned..Why?" He knows I have nothing planned, because the five of us did everything together. 

"Niall is throwing an end of A levels party. You can come yeh?" Niall being one of the five I was on about. 

"Yeah course, can you pick me up?"

"Okay, sounds good. Bye Katie"

"Bye H" He hung up leaving me with a smile on my face.

Theres a teeny tiny problem with mine and Harry's friendship. And that's the fact I am completely in love with him. The more I think about it, I probably always have been. Ever since we met I mean. But it defiantly hit me when he took me to prom after my ex broke up with me the week before.  

I have never acted on my feelings, way to scared it could ruin what we already had. Plus he's literally the most beautiful person on the planet. I know I'll get over H, but I just think it's hard because we spend almost every day together. Everything will change when I go to uni, I just have  wait.


It's about eight when my doorbell rings. And my heart jumps knowing who it is. I wipe my palms down my black leather trousers and slip on my boots. Grabbing my keys and some lipgloss tossing them into the first bag I lay my eyes on. As I pull open the door my gold rings clinking on the metal I am faced with the ivy irises that make me want to fall to my knees.

"You look nice" Harry speaks.

"Thanks so do you" I pull off a small smile.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls his black sunglasses off his head over his eyes. "Lets go" He leads me over to his car parked at the bottom of my driveway.

As we get closer to the car my heart sinks to my stomach when I see probably one of the most gorgeous blondes in his passenger seat. Her hair is platinum and pin straight easily reaching her hip bone. She wore a red lace body suit and smiled as we walked over to the car.

"Hi, I'm Chloe" She chimes as we get into close proximity, stepping out the car giving me a hug. 

I Wrap my arms around her, taken aback by her gesture. 'Katie, I love your top" I fake a smile to hide my hurt.

I have been introduced to loads of girls by Harry before. And each time they hurt more than the last. I think I am just waiting for the next girl to be 'the one' and I am left as the best friend.

"Oh please, you look amazing!" She smiles at me, her eyes are so blue. Almost as pretty as Harry's. "Do you want me to sit in the back? I don't mind"

For fuck sake, she's not even a bitch. This is the worse part, with the nice ones. Is I actually start liking them and then Harry is onto the next one. "No of course not, the back is fine. Don't be silly" I respond smiling at her. Genuine this time. 

I climb over her seat and pop myself in the middle seat in the back. Harrys car was a piece of shit, but he was the only one to drive, so we all had to put up with it. I lean over to grab the aux lead and plug it into my phone. Choosing 'taking what's not yours' by TV girl. 

"Good choice" He smirks as he turns to look at me, putting his hand over the gear stick and pulls away.

Harry and Chloe's windows are down, her hair blowing with the summer evening breeze. His one arm out the window, his hand moving with the song playing and the other on the steering wheel. The drive is short, stopping at a small convince store. 

"What drink do you want?" His arm resting on the back of his seat, body twisted in order to see me. 

Im not 18 for a few more months, so Harry is still forced to buy my drink for me. "Archers please" I reply. Getting out my wallet to hand him some cash.

"Don't worry about it" He replies, head gesturing to my purse. 

With that they both get out the car and walk into the shop. As Chloe gets out I see the rest of her outfit. She is wearing a skin tight black skirt, that only just covers her bum, and knee high boots that have a small thin heel.

As I'm sat in the car I pull out my phone to text Delilah. Delilah's  really my best friend, because I don't think Harry counts if I'm constantly wishing we were something else. I let her know we are on the way to Niall's so please be waiting at the door. 

She knows how I feel about Harry, and constantly tells me to say something. But, I can't loose him. I don't want him to look at me differently if he knows how I really feel. I see them walking towards the car trying to busy myself on my phone, so it looked like I was doing something. Harry opens his door and slides in, Chloe quick to follow.

He hands me the bottle of liquor I requested before driving off again. Him and Chloe make small talk before she turns around to face me.

"Harry tells me you're an artist" She speaks up.

"Umm- yeh I guess you could say that" I talk.

"Don't sell yourself short, you literally just got into UAL" Harry perks up, making eye contact with me through the rear view mirror. 

"UAL?" Chloe asks in confusion. Still faced looking at me.

"University of the Arts. It's in London" I reply.

"Oh my god, so are you going to move to London?" She sounds so enthusiastic.

"Thats the plan" I give her a small smile before looking down at my phone to see Delilah has text.

Delilah xox

08:23pm - Waiting outside xxx

Thank god. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

With that we are pulling onto Niall's drive way that is already packed full of cars. And I can see Delilah waiting for me by the porch. Her auburn hair curled at the ends, flopped over the front of her white t-shirt. 

Once we are stopped I jump out and practicality sprint towards her. She looks extremely confused before she sees Harry and Chloe hop out the car. She puts her gaze back on me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Come on let's get you a drink" She says as she links her arm in mine and we walk into the house.

The Waiting Game || Harry StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ