Chapter 5

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I blink as the sun shines through the gaps of the curtains into the living room, waking me up. The first thing I notice is that Harry is no longer next to me. A wave of disappointment hits me as I shift my self upwards on the sofa dragging my feet towards the floor. Is he even still in the house? I look around the rest of the room to see Niall and Delilah cuddled up together and Louis spread over the arm chair in the corner, feet resting on the ottoman.

I put my hands on my thy's and push myself upwards dragging myself out of the room, and towards the kitchen. I can hear muffled talking as I get closer. I per around the door frame to see Harry, leaning on the island in the middle of the room, talking on the phone. He wore the same black hoodie he had on last night but had changed into some grey jogger-shorts. The black hood pulled over his head, masks the messy curls beneath. I am assuming he had grabbed the clothes from my room. I had gathered loads of the boys clothes over the years. Whether they had left them here after a party, or just simply let me borrow them at a certain point.

He glances over in my direction and gives me a smile.


"Ive got to go, I will call you later" He says before hanging up the phone and positioning his body towards me. I walk towards him, my hands dug into the hoodie pocket.

"Hey birthday girl, I didn't expect you to be awake" His morning voice was one of my favourites. So gentle but with a slight croak. His eyes still puffy from sleep, but his skin almost glowed with the morning sun hitting his face.

"Hi" I whisper still walking towards him. Finally stopping when I meet the opposite end of the island, grabbing a stool and lifting myself onto it. "Who where you talking too?"

"Just mum, she says happy birthday"

"Oh okay, she normally calls me" I give a slight frown in confusion.

"She probably will later, can I give you my present now?" He pulls out a small sage bag and places it in front of me. Leaning over the small counter where he rests his forearms.

"Thank you H, you didn't have to get me anything though" I look up at him with a smiling.

I pull out the white tissue paper that is covering the present inside. My eyes meet a small white box, with some brand written on the top in gold print. I place my fingers over the top of the box to pull apart the two pieces of cardboard. As I place the top of the box to the side I glance my eyes back to the half holding whatever Harry had bought for me. 

There was a small gold chain that was home to a gold charm, shaped like a hummingbird. The delicate birds wings spread open as if it was flying. Towards the clasp was another small rectangular charm. It had a sage stone welded in and the back was engraved.

'H x'

There was a small note under the necklace which read "Spread your wings".

I lift my head and meet my eyes with his. "I love it H, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever received" And I meant it. It was the most meaningful and beautiful thing ever.

"Yeh, well you're going off to London so, I wanted to get you something you could keep." He looks down at his hands while speaking. Twiddling his thumbs around each other.

"Thank you" I look down to meet his eyes, grinning.

Hi eyes eventually meet mine and smiles back. "Well you are my best friend" He shrugs turning around and popping open the kettle lid and pouring water into it.

Friend. Right.

"Is anyone else awake" He questions before turning the kettle on to boil.

"Not when I left to come find you"

"Find me? You missed me already?" His small chuckle sending a smile to my face.

"Well you were with me when I fell asleep, but not when I woke up you were gone."

A conflicted look washes over his face. It makes my stomach turn a little. Im only ever used to seeing him happy. He looks as if he's going to say something until the kettle pops, reaching boiling. He turns around grabbing a mug and tea bag before pouring the water into the mug.

"Not going to offer me one?" Niall perks walking into the room. He sits next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Happy birthday Picasso"

"Thank you Niall, Where are the others?" I question.

"We are here, don't worry" Lou rasps on queue. Delilah slugs in after him.

"Happy birthday babe" Dee gives me a big hug from behind

"Yeh happy birthday Picasso" Lou smiles.

"Thank you very much, both of you" I respond smiling at them both.

They both turn around and lean against the island on the same side as Harry. I could stay in this pocket of time forever. The only 5 people I need. My family. My home. When its just us in my house it feels like a home. Full of love.

"When are you boys leaving?" Delilah grumbles.

The love I was just referring too.

"We've just woken up" Niall snaps.

"Im tired and I want a nap" flinging her head back with a whine.

"Well maybe if you didn't keep almost pushing me off the sofa, I wouldn't have to keep waking you up." He fires back in retaliation.

Delilah just rolls her eyes before sitting down on the floor, back pressed against the wall. Harry passes the three of them a cup of tea, before handing me my apple juice.

"Even as an adult, you still have the taste buds of a child" H speaks before returning to his spot behind the island.

I pass him a death glare before taking a sip of my drink.

We all stay in the kitchen for a good 40 minutes. Lou and Niall gave me their present. It was a dark green UAL hoodie, it had Picasso on the back instead of my actual name. On the cuff of the jumper they had all of our initials embodied on. K, H, D, L, N. I thought it almost impossible for boys to be this thoughtful until Niall told me his 'mum helped'. I give them both a hug each and tell them how much I love it.

Dee gives me her present. It's a small key chain with our names engraved on it. She pulled out a matching one from her pocket. Mine was plated gold and hers silver. "To match our jewellery" She speaks as I look at the gift. "I love it, thank you" I give her a tight squeeze.

"We should get going" H speaks up placing his mug in the sink.

Lou and Niall do the same nodding in agreement. Me and Dee walk them to the door and watch them walk towards Harry's car. Niall quickly turns around and shouts. "Ive invited a few more people tonight, hope that's okay!"

"Er, no it's not Niall, How many more people?" I yell back.

He simply laughs before getting in Harrys car and closing the door.

I turn to Delilah who is wetting herself over this. "Your house is fucked"

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