Part 5: Stars: 50-Epilogue

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Why did Darrow have a private moment with Cassius drinking whiskey and watching videos of their time at the Institute? Was it to attempt to salvage some sort of connection, where he failed to do so with Rogue?
Also. What was the holoCube he gave Cassius to watch?

Sevro just rocked my world when he back flipped off a railing to hang himself next to the executed Gold. He is a Gold himself, the Son's leader. He is a crazy Goblin shit and I love him for it.

Victra and Sevro's marriage surprised me. Maybe I expected it from Mustang and Darrow before those two.

Does Mustang feel guilt for her romantic time with Cassius? Did she have real feelings for him? And then betrayed him for Darrow, is that why she's doing asking for him to be set free?

I swear if Sevro dies I'm done.

Wait. We've been tricked by Darrow before. Kept in the dark to his own plans. Maybe this was a rouse to get Cassius and Antonia to deliver them to the Jackel. Sevro may still be alive. I have hope. I see a body but Darrow was once presumed dead after being hanged. There's no way Brown would kill Sevro. He's integral to the story, to the Rising. Without him there is nothing.

Or is Cassius pulling a double bluff. Him and Darrow seemed to reconnect during his imprisonment. Maybe he's taking them to the Sovereign himself.

I don't know how this will go, there are so many options and it's not predictable!

Okay, maybe predictable. They slowed Sevro's heartbeat, gained Cassius as an ally, and tricked Octavia. But it wasn't the obvious choice, just an option.

Its fitting that Sevro killed Aja. I like that.


I cringed as Darrow ripped out the Jackel's to hue with his bare hand. That was savage. Barbaric fitting of a Red.

I did not expect that ending. Happy.

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