Part 3: Glory: 35-49

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I can't really picture Sevro and Victra together romantically, even sexually. Doesn't seem much like a match to me. Also, where'd the Goblin nickname go? I liked it. Wanted to see it utilized more especially since Darrow calls Virginia 'Mustang' and the original howlers by their nicknames from the Institute.

In Golden Son I was most excited to read the tension between Mustang and Darrow and see how it transpired. In Morning Star I keep looking for those moments between Sevro and Darrow. The mended friendship. The banter, the silent communication, the respect, the brotherly love.

I got all giddy when Mustang said, "Bloodydamn right."

Rogue makes a lengthy speech in attempts to get the Rim on the Sovereign's side in this war. Darrow has a few sentences. He doesn't need to sugar coat it. This is war, promises won't be able to be withheld at the end. Even the promises Darrow made. Though, I believe him over a tyrant ruler who has deceived people before.

Kavax is an absolute joy of a man and a father. Makes me miss Pax, makes me know he's not gone as long as his family is here.

One thing I've never been able to visualize is how long a space battle would actually take. Hours, days, weeks? I guess it all depends on the capacity of the battle. But, when do people sleep? Also, how? If my ship was under fire I wouldn't be able to lay down.

War stories can be complex and difficult to follow. I can't really picture the scenes laid out in front of us as I did in the Institute in Red Rising. That just may be me personally. There's a lot of new technology introduced that it's hard to keep track.

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