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Mustang and Darrow work together well right away. They've been through training, missions, courtship, trust together that they can just pick right back up where they left off. Their romantic relationship may not be the same, though.

Why did Cassius still have one of Mustang's earrings on the ship that wrecked?

There's no time to celebrate the defeat of Cassius, he isn't dead.

The world of the Obsidians is terrifying indeed. They are a different breed of people. Cannibals have detached from society and gone insane, left in the snow to fend for themselves against the snow. Their children are told lies. They cannot leave their kingdom of ice.

The Golds and Society have spun different lies and tales for each color they deem not competent enough to know the truth. The Reds were told they are to toil so Mars can be populated. The Obsidians are told they are subordinates to gods. What other lies have been told through the solar system? How many other people oppressed and kept from the truth.

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