Part 1: Thorns: 1-12

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Darrow has been tortured for a year since our last seeing him being defeated after his victory over Mars. There was a time skip between the first and second book as well. Though, more happened to Darrow than now. He has sat in a cell for 9 months after 3 months of being interrogated by the Jackel.

It's a hell of an opener. He's been encased in a table with unsuspecting diners eating over him for almost a year. It's a shell shock for sure. Starts off right. I'm instantly hooked and emotional for the pain Darrow is feeling.

I'm so happy to see Sevro again. I knew he wouldn't abandon Darrow. And now he's taken over as Ares!

I'm not surprised Darrow changes the plan to rescue Victra after he finds out she's still alive. He lives for himself but also for others. He loves her but not like he loves Mustang.

How defeated he must feel to be freed from his solitude to face death again. How many people have died because of him? Either by his hand or action. He is the Reaper.

Was it just Darrow's family that was rescued from Lykos? Or were other families? Were the Reds told the truth in the mine? I want to know what's happening below the surface.

Of course Sevro knew he was alive. He saw through the Jackel's dirty tricks. I also want to know what crimes he was accused of as a Gold after receiving his own victory parade just a few months prior to his staged execution.

Words cannot explain how thrilled I am that Sevro had Mickey put Darrow's eyes in his head. That's amazing. That is brotherhood and love.

The dialogue seems different in this book. Sevro is more jovial, if you can believe it.

We are really delving into war now. Civil war, revolutions, different groups with different missions. It's complex. Hopefully Brown will be able to tell a war story without losing the readers.

It took him long enough to see Victra. He feels love for her, but not enough to start anything romantic like she wants. Maybe if he met her before Mustang things would have been different. She wasn't off-put by his carving and landed herself in a torture cell because of her loyalty to him.

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