Chapter 6 ♱♰ ☠☠ My Life needs a Fix.

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It took exactly three minutes for my life to switch from Oh Crap! to FML. In those precious hundred and eighty seconds I learnt that, one, Nathan had an army of shadows to back him up. Two, Darkmore Security Force respond to a report really fast. And lastly, never underestimate the intelligence of an opposing team. Well, the last one I knew. But with my kind arrogance is a topping characteristic.

To conclude, a Darkmore's brain isn't made up of shadows after all. And I ended up standing in front of their Council. Aiden was let go as he was a "victim" of the entire situation. To which I replied, this wasn't Taken and I wasn't planning on going all Liam Neeson on him till he acted harshly which he did not.

"Why did you try to escape?"
"What happened in the library?"
"Where you involved with the group that attacked the prince?"
"Did you really think that helping them would buy you an exit ticket?"

I placed my palms against my ears to tune them out. They had been bickering for the past one hour among themselves and shooting questions at me without waiting for me to reply. No. That wasn't bothering me. What bothered me most that they left me standing for an hour. They did not even get me a chair.

I was also surprised when a fair amount of my kind showed up. Obviously siding with my opposers. Most of them were in their teens.

"Don't you wish you were as pretty as me, you ugly faggot?" One of the girls announced flipping her hair. There was silence in the hall. Weird. Her comment didn't hurt me because I had built up enough self-confidence and I am pretty enough, to let anyone tell me different. That's the way it should be.

"Hell no. I'm not the one who Hello Kitty said goodbye to." I scoffed.

Her eyes narrowed. "In my opinion..."

"Who said I gave a damn about your opinion?"

"Wow. You're so ugly that people die when I walk around."

Lame one.

"Nah. I'm fabulous, not your mirror."

She gasped. Honestly I was not in a mood for teen drama.

"How can people even stand near you?" She scrunched her nose taking a step back.

"Sorry. I forgot my bitch repellent spray today." I shrugged her off.

"If you both are done insulting each other," one of the council member spoke. His hood covered his face. "Felicia, you can go claim your seat."

I snorted.

"Bye Felicia!" I called after her. Nobody got my drift. I was trembling with laughter.

"Is there anything funny?" The same council man asked.

"No." I said in between laughs. I ended up choking on it trying to sober myself.

"State your full name." He spoke as he rose from his massive throne like seat.

"Kat Seraphina Bloodheart."

"Kat?" He asked.

"Did I stutter Mr. Council Man?" I retorted sharply. There were collective gasps around the room.

"Parents? Siblings?" He continued, ignoring my previous remark.

"Dead." My voice took a chilling note as I mentally decided to stick with one word answers.

"Both? Parents?"





"Michael-None- Bloodheart." My voice becoming hoarse at the thought of my brother. Quickly pushing it away I looked up.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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