"That's it Celi." said Hermione.

Everyone else agreed with her, even the woman was speechless. I changed my clothes again and sat down with the others. Why didn't anyone tell me that trying on clothes with your friends was so great? I haven't felt as happy as I did in a long time, everything finally felt normal and I wasn't thinking about my mother, Draco, Harry or even Mattheo. I was just living now, I wasn't interested in anything else. To try on dresses, after me it was Hermione's turn, she had chosen a slightly shorter, golden dress, she looked really beautiful in it but something like that wouldn't suit me. Then came Luna, she was wearing a long, somewhat loose, light blue dress, she looked really cute in it, and so it went on until at the end only Lavender was left, but she changed her dress almost fifteen times. I was so happy when we were finally able to pay and be outside in the fresh air. In the end, Lavender chose a dress that didn't suit her at all, but what do you want to do if she doesn't let anything talk her into it. I looked at my watch and it was already 6 p.m., I never thought it would have taken so long. Now all we have to do is find a good restaurant and the day is over. But it didn't take long because there was a burger shop directly opposite the shop that I've actually visited before. That was back then with my parents. But also with Draco. How could I never know about this shop there, I probably just didn't register it. I just didn't recognize the shop from the inside. It was much brighter now, had a bit of a beach feel to it you could even say and it definitely looked a lot better than before. Sometimes changes are really good. That's right, change is good too. Maybe I should take this to heart.

"This cheeseburger is so incredibly good." I said to the group.

Parvati, Padma, Cho and Luna followed my suggestion, the others wanted a chicken burger and Luna wanted a vegetarian one. It's not that hard, is it? I'm sure I'll be able to tell that to server. I just thought I would have a little more time to prepare for it, but it came almost immediately after we decided. First she asked us what we would like to drink, but since no one said anything, I quickly replied 'seven times of iced tea'. You can't go wrong with that, I thought. For dinner I proudly ordered 'five cheeseburgers, two chicken burgers and a vegetarian one, all with fries please'. I'm getting better and better at talking to strangers or even in front of large crowds. No matter how confidently I said it, no one would believe me.

"Okay, now on to the important topics. Boys. Ball." Cho began.

I knew we were addressing this topic, it was just obvious. I just didn't want that, it's a little uncomfortable for me because everyone probably already has a partner except me, of course. Now I thought about it again even though I absolutely didn't want to do that today. Now I have to worry again whether anyone will even invite me or whether I have to go there alone, like a victim. Why can't I just be beautiful like Cho or Hermione, why do I have to be me? Or maybe I'm not ugly at all but just imagining it? Maybe I just see myself differently than others. Sometimes I even think that I'm somehow beautiful, for example today, but on some days I'm afraid of myself because I look the way I do. Maybe that's why Draco wanted to keep our relationship secret, maybe he was ashamed of me? Oh shit, I wanted to avoid exactly those thoughts. I just wanted to enjoy my life today and what happened? I noticed that my mother and Draco's father used to have something, I spent a lot of money and I'm starting to worry again because I'm just insecure. All I have to do is talk to them, I'm sure I can do that. If not me, then who? I can do everything.

"Well I was asked by Seamus and I said yes because he's actually quite nice." Lavender said.

We all giggled, I never thought Lavender would go with Seamus, I thought Ron or something. She was probably afraid that Ron wouldn't ask her and simply said yes to the other person. I think everyone would do that, wouldn't they? Me, for example, I would do the same thing as her.

"Well this is a bit unpleasant for Ginny, please don't be mad at us." said Parvati.

This can only be good.

"George asked me, Fred asked Parvati and we both said yes." Padma admitted.

We all applauded, a little quietly but they still deserved the applause. I would never have expected that the two of them would go with the Weasleys, it's something of a shock moment for everyone. When our food came we didn't talk for a while and ate, the burgers are actually really good. I mean they're even better than the last time I was here. But then Ginny continued the conversation again, saying 'you would definitely be cool as sisters-in-law'. The statement deserves an Oscar, no one would have thought that Ginny would handle it so casually.

"So Neville asked me." Luna said uncertainly.

I had to hug her straight away, it may have been a bit exaggerated but I treat Luna like my own sister and I'm so happy for her because I know she's been into Neville for a long time. And if he does ask her then there must be something behind it. Now only Ginny, Hermione and I remained, I think we're the only ones who don't have anyone yet.

"Well Cho is going with Blaise. What about you three?" Lavender asked curiously.

Sometimes she really gets on my nerves, can she not be so curious for once? She could just shut up, no one else would ask any more questions, they would just keep their mouth shut and continue to eat in a relaxed manner. Eventually the two shook their heads, so I did the same. Ginny briefly conveyed that she wished Harry would ask her, I just had to promise her that I would talk to him. Only Hermione was particularly quiet, she also seemed a bit unsure and nervous. There's something wrong with her, I've known her too long to know. I looked at her hands, she started touching the skin on her fingernails. This is clear evidence that something is wrong. When I asked her what was going on she came with very surprising news.

"I'm bisexual." she said quickly.

She continued to look at her hands, didn't look around, we all just looked at each other, speechless. Nobody knew how to react, it was such sudden news that you have to digest it first and that was just the part where it could be unsettling. When I looked at everyone else I knew they weren't going to say anything, now it's my time to shine, I have to say something so she won't be so insecure anymore. Hopefully I won't say anything stupid.

"We apologize for not saying anything, the statement was just, well, sudden. But I can speak on behalf of everyone here when I say that we are very grateful that you told us that."

I took a deep breath and took her hand in mine. So far so good, the first part is already done, now I just have to keep talking and the matter will be over.

"It's nice that you know what you feel and you just need to know that we support you through everything."

"So who would you like to be asked?" Ginny suddenly asked.

First Hermione looked at me and leaned her head on my shoulder, she mouthed a 'thank you' and smiled. Then she looked at Ginny, but before she could say anything she had to take a deep breath. 'Pansy' she said in effect. Why am I only getting surprising information today? This day is trying to tease me somehow. Pansy Parkinson, the Slytherin Pansy, who is bad at school Pansy, who appears heartless Pansy. Okay, I've said her name too many times, that's enough. But then she told us situations that happened that changed my view. They often studied together and often spent time together. Now it makes sense why she wasn't there so often, she was with her the whole time. Somehow I was happy for her, but somehow I was also a bit skeptical because Hermione is a Muggle-born. Well, if they love each other in the future then that definitely won't be a problem because when two people love each other then nothing else matters. That's why my mother and Lucius didn't love each other, otherwise it would have been something, wouldn't it? But on the other hand, sometimes it may not work because love alone is not always enough to be with someone. Sometimes you have to let go of someone, even if you love them. Oh God, why is life so complicated?

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now