22. Lunch

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"Hia Cade, did you take the stir-fried quail eggs?" Few asked as Cade was going to sit next to him.

"No, I didn't," Cade answered.

They were in the staff cafeteria, where food was provided to people with the staff badge. They just had to scan their badges to get the food. Food was provided by the festival committee, so they didn't have to spend any money.

The staff cafeteria was huge and the food was set in a buffet system. There was a large variety of foods to choose from as well.

Few had run to the cafeteria as soon as they closed the stall for the lunch break. He was too hungry. 

He filled the plate and managed to get seats for everyone as well.

By the time the rest of them reached the table, Few was halfway done with the food. Being the youngest in the group, he was adored by everyone. So nobody complained about him not waiting for them to join him.

"You should get it, Hia. It's so delicious!" Few exclaimed, eating one quail egg in one bite.

"Really?" Cade looked at the stir-fried quail eggs on Few's plate. It did look delicious. "Then I will go get it."

He turned around and headed back to the buffet table to get the quail egg dish.

Few quickly used the opportunity to occupy the seat around him. He had gotten seats on a ten-person table. But their group had twelve people, including Lee Nayul and Jung Sangjun.

"Au? Why did you have to invite those two Koreans over as well?" Suki asked softly.

"Because they are also part of our team isn't it," Few answered with a benevolent smile.

Suki narrowed his eyes in suspicion. His younger brother was acting out of character.

"Well, now that you have invited them, the table is full. Neither your Hia Raya nor Hia Cade has a place to sit now," Chot said making Few's grow wider.

"Don't tell me you did this on purpose!" Suki said accusingly.

"Don't you think that the newlyweds should spend some together by themselves?" Few asked as a reply.

He had noticed that along with the headache Oye had given him, Cade was also disturbed by Helly's presence. No matter how much Cade tried to act like a fool, it was too evident that he wasn't comfortable seeing his husband with someone else.

Cade and Raya reached the table Few was sitting at the same time. They had taken food from the food counters from the opposite side.

"Oh, Hia Raya, Hia Cade. This table is completely occupied. Why don't you go and sit at that table?" Few asked pointing at the empty table that was not too far away from theirs.

Cade gave his youngest brother-in-law a look. He understood that Few had sent him away to get the quail eggs on purpose.  

Few gave him an innocent smile.

Cade wordlessly headed to the empty table with Raya in toes. He sat down and Raya took the seat opposite him. He didn't want to sit with Raya but if were to ask him to sit elsewhere, it would look odd. Especially in the eyes of the people who didn't know that they were husbands.

Cade had filled his food tray with cooked rice, stir-fried quail eggs, spicy braised chicken, japchae, seasoned bean sprouts kimchi, fruits and a bowl of soup.

He didn't say a word to Raya and directly dug into the food.

Raya on the other hand was observing Cade. Cade seemed to be the same as he remembered with his cheeks puffing up as he ate. Raya had to fight his urge to pinch his bulging cheeks.

Cade secretly glanced at the items on Raya's food tray. Since they had taken food from different food counters, Raya's food tray was very different from his.

Raya's tray had cooked rice, pork bulgogi, takoyaki, doraji cucumber salad, bomnamul, kimchi, and bananas, all of which happened to be Cade's favorite.

Cade regretted not having to the food counter Raya went to. He tried stopped himself from drooling over the food in Raya's tray.

However, Raya had caught his husband shooting envious glances at his food. He knew that the younger wanted to have a taste of his food but was reluctant to ask for it, given their current situation.

Raya had sworn to himself that even if he couldn't be a good husband to Cade, he would be the best brother for him.

He picked up the takoyaki balls, the item that Cade had been staring at the longest for, with his chopsticks and placed them on Cade's food tray without saying anything.

Cade looked up at him in surprise. But Raya lowered his gaze into his food and acted as if nothing had happened.

Cade didn't try to be polite and picked up a takoyaki ball and ate it. The Takoyaki ball was so delicious that he moaned out loud and instantly regretted it as he saw Raya move.

The next second, all the takoyaki balls in Raya's tray were transferred to Cade's.

Cade grew flustered at Raya actions. He quickly picked the braised chicken from his tray and placed it on Raya tray.

A small smile formed on Raya's lips. The kid didn't want to owe him anything.

"Wow." Nara, who had been observing the two of them from the table, muttered subconsciously. She was sitting at the end closest to the table Cade and Raya was occupying.

"What?" Tanu nudged her. He was seated between Nara and Few.

"Don't you think Khun Raya and Cade looks so good together? I so wish Khun Cade was single." She said staring at the couple dreamingly.

She had a very good impression of Raya. He had been really helpful during the forenoon section. Not only had he helped them set up the stall, he had also volunteered to help them at the cash counter and even help her and Tanu several times.

She really hoped that Cade could get someone like Raya, who was caring and considerate, unlike the asshole he is wedded to.

Tanu instantly smacked her hand. "Talk softly, you idiot. His girlfriend is sitting right there." He said stealing glances at Helly who was talking to her two besties.

After the argument, Amy had left the festival venue and headed back home. Later on, Imm told them that Amy had already boarded the plane back to Bangkok as she didn't want to spend any more time with the rest of them.

This was a good news for Nara and Tanu. If she hadn't left by herself, it would have been difficult for them to drive her away.

"I can't help it na. They just look so perfect together. A perfect match." Nara stared the couple. "Both of them are so handsome, tall and rich. They are so evenly matched. Like a match made in heaven."

"You think so too, phi?" Few's voice startled both Tanu and Nara. "I think Hia Raya and Hia Cade are perfect for each other as well."

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