21. Argument

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"I really can't believe that Khun Cade is married." Imm covered her face with her hands. Her face was red, and her eyes were puffy from crying for long. "I should have known it before. When he never showed any interest in me and treated me like nothing more than a colleague, I should have understood that he already had someone else in his life. How can I be so stupid and not figure it out?"

She was sitting with her three friends behind the stall set up for K Publishers, taking a break. There were so many fans coming over to the stall to get her autograph that she didn't even get the time to lament her broken heart.

"What I can't believe is that Khun Oye likes someone like Khun Cade. I mean, even if they dated before he became an author, it doesn't mean that he should go back to Khun Cade after being successful." Amy, the fourth one among the girls commented. "Khun Cade even has the nerve to reject Khun Oye." She scoffed.

"Why wouldn't Hia Cade have the nerve to reject him? Do you even know who Hia Cade is?" Few, who had heard the conversation, interrupted the girls.

The girls were startled by the hostile aura Few was emitting.

Few sneered at Amy as he continued speaking. "Have you heard of the Sriwanna family?" He looked down on the girls. "If you are so ignorant and haven't heard of the family, let me tell you. The Sriwanna family is the owner of the Iris Group, one of the top ten conglomerates of Asia, and the Khun Cade you were just talking about, is Cade Rewat Sriwanna, the only child of the Sriwanna couple and the heir of the hundred billion worth company."

"Even the plane you sat on to get here from Bangkok, belonged to the iris group." He looked at the girls with a mocking smile. "Your Kun Oye doesn't even have the qualification to hold his shoes. Hia Cade must have been naive back in his University days to date someone like him."

The girls' jaws dropped at the revelation. They never expected Cade to be such a big wig.

All girls except Helly. She did expect it as Cade had already told them that his family was friends with Raya's family. Knowing her boyfriend's family for years, she knew that they weren't the kind of people who would entangle themselves with commoners.

"N' Few, are you looking down on poor people?" Vina found Few's words especially offensive.

"No, P' Vina, I don't look down on poor people. I only look down on people without any morals." Few glanced at Amy who was glaring at him. "Like Khun Oye."

"N' Few, I understand that you want to defend your Hia Cade, but that doesn't mean that you can slander others" Vina had a neutral attitude. She didn't want to take sides.

She wasn't a fan of Oye nor did she know Cade personally. So, she tried being the one who negotiated between Few and Amy.

"P' Vina. I am not slandering anyone. It is a well-known fact that Khun Oye had slept with the editor of his previous publishing house and was caught by her husband. It was all over the internet." Few had done his research on Oye last night.

He had overheard from one of the festival committee members that the special guest of the event, Oye had asked them about staff attending the festival on behalf of K Publishers, especially about Cade.

This had made him curious as to why this man was asking about his brother-in-law. even though he was mad at Raya, he didn't want Cade to be stolen away from his brother.

He immediately contacted his men and had them retrieve all the data on Oye's connection with Cade. Upon getting all the information about what had surfaced between them, Few started hating Oye with all his heart and soul.

"That is nonsense!" Amy shouted. "Those are all lies spread by the people who are jealous of him. I know! It must be K Publishers who did that! They must have done that to get back at him for Khun Cade!"

"Khun Amy." Tanu, who was inside the stall, walked over to the group. "Please return the staff badge you are wearing and get out of here by yourself. Or else I will have to call the security to drag you out of here."

Amy gritted her teeth in anger. She had hated how gorgeous and delicate Tanu looked compared to her. Now, with the way he walked to her, the frustration in her mind exploded.

"You!" She pointed her fingers angrily at Tanu. "You people are kicking me out because I spoke the truth, right? You aren't even trying to deny it."

The three other girls felt that Amy was overreacting. Sitting in the stall that belongs to a company and bad-mouthing the same company as an outsider, seemed like a pretty shitty move to them.

It seemed reasonable from their perspective that Tanu was asking Amy to get out of their company's stall. He had asked her to leave respectfully, despite having heard her humiliate their company.

Tanu chuckled. "Why should we deny it? But there is indeed a little correction. It wasn't the K Publishers who were behind it, it was me." He smiled brightly at her. "I had personally placed the cameras in the room where he was having sex with the editor and recorded it. I was also the one who sent the video to her husband and helped him catch the bastard and the bitch red-handed."

"And I was the one who arranged all the paparazzi that arrived there and took the photos and made headlines that night." Nara joined the group out of nowhere.

Tanu crossed his hands across his chest, looking extremely provocative. "And, yes, we did it to get back at him for hurting our best friend."

"You two!!!" Amy glared venomously at the duo. She angrily removed the staff badge on her chest slammed it on the table and walked away.

Both Nara and Tanu treated her like thin air, paying no heed to her actions.

Once she was out of sight, they turned to the remaining three girls. "Would any of you want to join her?"

The three girls shook their heads. None of them felt that Cade, Tanu, or Nara was wrong in any way.

"Good." The duo commented. "We will give you a piece of advice. When you make acquaintances, please do it carefully. Or else they would make you embarrassed just the way Khun Amy did today."

With that, the duo went back inside the stall to continue with their work. They had to check on Cade as well. From the way Imm was talking, they were sure that something had happened.

Little did they realize that the young man who was standing next to them was staring at them with starstruck eyes. He had completely turned into their fan. They were his idols now.   

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