3. Wedding day

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"My son looks so handsome today," Yada said with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

She couldn't believe that her baby boy would be getting married today. She wasn't mentally prepared to send her only child off.

"Mom, what do you mean by I look handsome today? Ain't I always handsome? " Cade asked helplessly.

He was already tensed about the wedding and his mother getting all emotional, wasn't helping him at all.

"You are. You are. " Yada sniffled her tears.

"Mom, don't cry na. The make-up artist took two whole hours to finish off your makeup. Don't mess it up. " Cade commented.

"You brat!" Yada smacked her son's hand.

Cade chuckled and handed his mother a tissue. Yad carefully wiped her tears which wasn't stopping at all.

Cade hugged his mother and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Mom. And I always will. Even if I am getting married, I will never stop loving you."

Yada hugged him back. "I love you too, son." 

At that moment, Chen entered the room with a group of photographers.

He too was emotional seeing his son in the wedding suite. But he wasn't the emotional kind like his wife. He didn't shed any tears. Instead, he looked proud of how handsome his son looked on his wedding day.

"Shall we take a family photo first?" The photographer suggested.

The family of three nodded and posed according to the photographer's instruction. Once the photographs with his parents were taken, more and more of his relatives came to visit him. Cade had to pose with all of them before he got dragged away for the single shoot.

By the time all the photos were taken, Cade was exhausted. He barely sat down when Chen came in to say that was auspicious hour had begun.

Cade immediately tensed up at the announcement. All day he had been hypnotizing himself that everything was going to be alright. But he was still nervous as hell.  He was getting married. That too to a person he hadn't met in years.

He took a few big gulps of the mineral water and tried to calm himself.

"Cade, it's time." Yada reminded him.

Cade nodded nervously. His hands were all sweaty.

Yada handed him a bouquet of peonies. 

Cade looked at those flowers. As an evident reader, he recollected reading a book on floriography. The book said that peony flowers symbolised happiness, romance, bashfulness, happy marriage, honour, prosperity, good fortune and wealth.

He smiled to himself. He hoped for a happy marriage, filled with happiness, bashfulness and romance. He wished that he could bring his partner honour, prosperity, good fortune and wealth just the way these flowers meant.

"Shall we?" Chen asked, gesturing for his son to hold his hand. He was going to walk his son down the wedding aisle.

"Khrab" Cade held his father's hand and headed to the wedding venue.

The giant wooden door to the wedding hall opened and the father-son duo entered the aisle.

Cade looked up at the man on the other end of the aisle. Dressed in a matching wedding suit, stood his soon-to-be-husband, Raya Tinrat Jampaton.

When he finally got to see the face of his groom... something inside him shattered to pieces.

His hope for a happy marriage, romance, blissfulness, everything was gone in an instant for the man he was going to get married to was the same man who was celebrating his anniversary with his girlfriend at the restaurant a few days ago.

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