16. Information

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"Nong, since you guys are family friends, did you attend his wedding?" Tanu asked Few.

He and Nara had separated Few from Cade's side and brought him away with great efforts. Few had been sticking to Cade as if someone had used super glue to stick them together.

They had to trick both Cade and Few into separating them, leaving Cade with the rest of the group and taking Few with them.

"You attended his wedding, right?" Tanu probed again as he wasn't getting any response.

Few, on the other hand, was lost. This was his first time seeing such a beautiful man in real life. The man in front of him was even more beautiful than any girl he had seen in the past. So beautiful that his mind went blank the moment he laid eyes on the beautiful human specimen.

And the beautiful specimen was talking to him! 'Him!'

One could see pink hearts flying around his head.

He could only see the beautiful man moving his lips. Not a word was being registered in his brain. He was lost in the beauty of the pretty man.

"Nong. Are you okay?" Nara shook his shoulder, snapping him out of the daze.

"Huh?" Few came to his senses.

"Are you okay?" Nara repeated.

Few broke eye contact with Tanu and looked at Nara who had a concerned look on her face. "K- Khrab." He stuttered in embarrassment. "I was just thinking about something else."

Nara let out a sigh of relief.

"Nong, we really need your help." Tanu got back to the topic.

"W- what help, phi?" Few felt his face heat up as Tanu stepped closer to him.

"Were you invited to Cade's wedding?" Nara asked.

Few nodded. He wasn't actually invited. But he was the groom's biological younger brother. He didn't need an invitation to attend the wedding.

"Great!" Nara and Tanu cheered. "Do you know who he got married to?"

Few was stumped. From the way Nara and Tanu were behaving, he had assumed that they had a close relationship with his brother-in-law. But from the way they were asking, he found his assumption to be wrong.

Nara understood what Few was thinking and hurriedly explained. "You see, both of us weren't invited to his wedding. His parents didn't want commoners like us to attend their son's wedding."

"We just wanted to know some details about the asshole, I mean the guy our Cade got married to. His name, his office address, or even any information about where he works. Anything you know would be fine." Tanu begged. "Please tell us everything you know."

"W- why do you want to know all that, phi?" Few was getting goosebumps from the pitiful look Tanu was directing at him.

"As Cade's best friends, we want to send him a 'gift', you know. We haven't even 'congratulated' him yet." Tanu answered hiding the malice in his eyes.

"Can't you just ask Hia Cade for that?" Few had noticed that Tanu had addressed his elder brother as an 'asshole'.

"Oh, that. Our Cade is a very shy person." Nara lied bluntly. "They didn't know each other before the wedding and he feels that it is inappropriate to introduce him to all of us."

"But as his best friends, shouldn't we greet our Cade's beloved husband?" Tanu asked looking really innocent.

Few gulped feeling the killing intent emitting from the two. He was sure that the two would tear his elder brother apart the moment they realized that Raya was the one who married Cade.

Especially since they have met Raya with his girlfriend.

The beautiful man was emitting a scary aura which was contrary to his pretty looks. This man had even seen his brother celebrating the anniversary with his girlfriend, just a few days before marrying his best friend.

Few was sure that the man would want to kill his brother if he realized the truth.

"What are you guys doing?" Suki joined them. He snaked his hand around his younger brother's neck as he smiled widely at his brother-in-law's friends.

He had noticed that these two had dragged Few along with them. He and Chot had been looking for the trio for a long time.

Few was relieved that his brother had arrived and interrupted them. As much as he was against Raya in the current scenario, he wouldn't sell out his brother like that.

What he wanted was for Raya and Cade to solve the problem between them, themselves. He wanted to give his brother some time to communicate with Cade and come up with a solution.

He didn't want any more people to interfere and worsen the already complicated situation.

He couldn't tell them his brother's details just yet. He was waiting to see what Raya was going to do, especially after running into Cade earlier that night.

He was brainstorming for ideas to slip away from Tanu and Nara without having to answer their questions.

"Oh, I know you!" Tanu looked at Suki. Even though they met had seen Suki standing behind Raya in the restaurant, they hadn't talked yet. "You were the guy who tripped on the carpet and fell on his face!"

Suki blinked. He wasn't expecting Tanu to have seen that embarrassing scene.

"I had actually recorded on my phone. But Cade deleted it." Tanu said regretfully.

It was so funny seeing Suki fall down that he had laughed his lungs out at the scene and got scolded by Cade for finding joy in something like that.

Suki scratched the back of his neck, not knowing how to respond. He wanted to leave a good impression on Cade's friends. But he had already made a fool of himself.

"You too. I saw you there as well." Tanu said to Chot. "You were with Khun Raya that day, right? "

Chot nodded with a small smile. But he realized one thing from Tanu's words. And that was that Cade had seen him and Suki at Cloud Nine that day.

He finally understood the reason why Cade had been especially cold to him and Suki on the wedding day while treating Few very sweetly. Cade must have thought that they were in cahoots with Raya in the matter.

Technically, such a conclusion wasn't wrong. After all, they knew of Raya's relationship and that he had yet to break up with Helly. Yet, neither of them did anything.

"Nong, we are taking Few with us. We have some urgent business with him. " Chot said grabbing both brothers. " Good night, Khrab. "

Nara and Tanu awkwardly said goodbye to the trio.

"Damn it! " Nara cursed " That kid was about to tell us everything. But those two came and interrupted us. "

"I was thinking the same. " Tanu pouted. "Damn those two! "

"Hey," Nara patted Tanu. " I have an idea. "

Tanu narrowed his eyes seeing the mischievous look on her face.

"That kid Few seems to be interested in you. How about you seduce him and extract information from you? "

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