bulletproof love

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Tobys POV.
"i'll go to my room...." I said quietly walking out of maskys room.
I left masky and hoodie over there because i was really tired even though i dint tell masky that i just left without a word.
Well actually it was still early but i decided to stay inside.
"Hey gay twerp wheres your stupid boyfriend?" Said jeff as he flicked his finger in my forhead
"In his room" i mummbled
"Really because i bet his with nurse ann CHEATING on you again"
My face got red and hot in anger. I couldnt believe what jeff had just said.
"Shut up!! Youre just jealous of me!!" I yelled
Jeff only stood there with his arms crossed, smirking down at me.
"Ha really ? Why would i be jealous of a twitching freak?" Said jeff
"Shut up" i mummbled
"What are you gonna do about it huh?" Said jeff as he shoved me.
He started to push around until i was up in the wall.
"Stop!!" I yelled
But he continued to push me
"Youre so weak you cant even stand up for yourself" and with one more push i fell to the floor
"You disgust me" said jeff as he left the room
I just stood up and walked to my bed and i couldnt help but cry.
I sobbed into my hands until o heard someone come in my room
"Whos t-there ?" I asked
"Hey its me.... Jack" said ej as he sat in the corner of my bed
I sat up to and dryed the tears of my cheecks
"Hey..." I mumbled
"Why arent you outside?"
"I....I dont like going outside"
We stood in silemt for a few seconds before jack broke it
"Well you should go make some friends" he said
I only sat there staring at the floor kind of frowning.
"Toby ?" Said ej
"I-Im not good at making..... Friends" i mumbled quietly
"Well i'll be outside if you need me"
I only nodded and with that jack left.
I sat there in the darkness of the room not wanting to do anything
It was sunny and hot outside and i honestly hate the sun why cant it be cloudy? Even if i went outside theres nothing to do anyways.
A few minutes passed and i heard a knock on the door.
"Toby you in there ?" Asked masky
"Yeah... Come in.."
Masky then came and sat down next to me
"Hey baby why arent you outside?" He asked
I looked down and then back at him
"I d-dont like going outside" i said
He brushed my hair out of my face then gave me a kiss on my forehead
"I love you so much but you should go out sometime" he said as he stood up and wave me goodbye
I dont know why everyone wanted me to go outside, i mean im happy inside the outside world is a horrible place.
After a couple of hourse of doing NOTHING i decided to finally get up and get some water.
Just as i went outside Laughing jack was passing through.
"Well arent you shy? Dont you come outside or something" he asked
I shook my head no and then left.
I dint need this stuff rigth now, im not that shy i just decided not to talk to other people.
Oh man im just realizing how anti social i am... Weird...
I continued walkimg until i got to the kitchen
I got a cup and poured some water in it.
I drank it then left quickly before i had to deal with stuff again
When i was gonna go inside my room i was stopped by eyeless jack.
"Hey toby" he greeted me
I honestly wasent in the mood to talk rigth now so i only waved at him.
"Something wrong?" He asked
"Uh... No.. im just tired of people telling me to go outside thats all" i said kind of annoyed
"Oh... Well... Alrigth i'll talk to you tommorow i guess"
"Yeah alrigth"
And with that i left to my room and flopped on my bed.
I missed masky i wanted him to come look for me
I love it when hes not wearing his mask
And i love his smile
His eyes
His body
No toby no!!! This is no time for your stupid teenage hormones.
Its time to sleep now but i dont wanna sleep i wanna see masky
A few mimutes of thinking of him i kind of started to get tired so i just decided to sleep.
I woke up by jeffs stupid snoring!!!
Seriously can this guy get more annoying?!
I just wanted to choke him with his own pillow.
But I sighed and got out of bed carefully not making any noises so i wouldnt wake him up or else he would beat me up again or something like that but i honestly dint care since i cant feel any pain at all.
Kill him.... Kill him....
The voices chanted but..... I couldnt kill him i just couldnt.
Before i did anything crazy i got out of there quickly.
It seem early because it was still kind of dark outside and there was no one around.
"Hmm i'll go outside" i mutter to myself.
Making my way downstairs i quietly open the door making sure i made no noise.
Then i sprinted into the woods not too far from the mansion
When i started to walk i saw someone laying in the ground.
"Hes just sleeping" i said to myself as i continued to walk foward
Time passed and i dint know where i was anymore so i started to panic.
"Fuck im lost..." I mutterd to myself as i looking around trying to see if i recognize anything.
I started to walk around more but i eventually got even more lost if that was possible.
"Masky!!!!" I yelled but got no response
Well of course i got no reply i was lost in the middle of the woods.
Soon the sun started to come out and it started to get really hot
Or maybe i was just not used to going outside.
I walked more and more until i started to get really dizzy and sweaty.
It felt weird there was this ringing in my ears and my vision is starting to get blurry.
Soon enough i fell to the floor and blacked out still lost.... In the middle of the woods.

Never giving up on you (ticcimask)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora