Escape fail

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Tobys POV.
I couldnt see anything it was so dark.
After looking for the door i finally found it.
I opened the door quietly and then raced as fast as i could towards the dark woods.
I dint get far because i started to get out of breath so i decided to sit down on the floor to catch my breath.
A few minutes past and i was ready to leave but i was stopped by a familiar voice
"Toby !!!" Yelled the voice
I looked around a tree to find masky looking for me
"Toby where are you i saw you come this way" said masky
I went around the tree making sure masky dint see me before making a run for it
"THERE YOU ARE !!!" Yelled masky as he ran after me
I ran faster and faster but masky seem to catch up to me and before i knew it he held my arm not letting me go
"Youre coming with me" said masky as he picked me up and carried me over his shoulders.
I dint say nothing until we finally arrived at the mansion
"I-Im 17 i could of walked by m-myself" i said as i went upstairs.
Just as i opened the door ibsaw jeff standing over me.
"Haha why did you get caugth ?" He asked with a smirk on his face
"I.... I dont know" i said as i got in my bed.
I layed there staring at the celing not thinking about anything.
How could i have gotten caugth ? was masky spying on me or something ?
I shrugged those taugth off my head and then fell asleep.
Maskys POV.
I was up and ready to go because i need to show toby how to defense himself before slenderman realizes that he dosent know how to figth.
"Hey hoodie wanna help me train toby ?" I asked
"Yeah sure but it migth take him weeks before he does anything"
"Why do you say that ?"
"C'mon masky look at the guy hes so shy and kind of strange but i mean he did pass trough a horrible experience"
"Youre rigth but we still need to try" i said as i sighed
Tobys POV.
I stayed in my room in the dark not wanting to go outside because of all those people, to be honest im not even sure if there human.
Perhaps masky was even though i dint see him with out a mask but perhaps he is.
I know for sure that BEN isint and jeff i got no idea about him.
I heard knocking on the door then i heard BEN call me
"Toby !!! are you there ?"
I panicked and instead of answering him i hid in the closet.
BEN then entered my room and started searching for me
"Toby please come out i wanna show you around the house"
I stood still so he wouldnt hear me breathing or anything like that.
I stayed like that for a couple of seconds until he opened the doors revealing me.
"There you are now come on lets show you around the house" said ben as he dragged me towards the hallways.
He knocked on the first persons door and it seem to be cover in candy and blood.... Okay thats kind of weird.
"Jack !!! Open up i want you to meet toby !! JACK !!!" Said ben as he knocked even harder on the door until someone opened up.
I immediatly got scared because it was a clown i hate clowns so much but no this was no regular clown he was tall with black and white clothing just like jeff but scarier and he was jack.
The only thing i did was keep my head low and start playing with my feet.
"Well well well what do we have here" said jack as he lifted my head by placing his hand on my chin.
"I-Im toby" i managed to say.
"Hmm im guessing your not a big fan of clowns pretty boy" he said as he stood up full size
But all i did was shake my head no
"Hahaha well see you around" he said as he went inside the room and closed the door
Before we could go to the next door some other guy came
He had the same clothes as masky except he was with out a mask.
"Hey toby youre training today again" he said
"M-Masky ?" I asked
"Uhh yeah ?"
"Ive never seen you without a mask" i said.
"Come on toby lets go to my room" said BEN as he clinged into my arm.
I tense up and i think masky saw the expression on my face that said i-dont-wanna-go-but-im-too-nice-to-say-no.
"Actually i need toby to help me with something real quick" said masky
BEN finally let go off me then he crossed his arms.
I hid behind masky clinching his jacket
"Well okay but i'll see him later"
And with that BEN left
"Thanks" i said shyly i couldnt thank him enough.
Masky looked kind of cute without his mask on actually. I wish he took it off more often
Wait what did i just say ?!?!?!
"Well the day is still young you wanna go do something ?" Asked masky
I kind of blush but looked down so he wouldnt see me.
"Um.. i-i would uh rather be a-alone" i said as i twitched and ran up stairs.
I slammed the door open and then flopped on my bed.
I couldnt stop thinking about masky what was going on with me ?

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