With a tender touch, he pressed soft kisses against her cheeks, each one a testament to the depth of his love and devotion.

"I still prefer seeing you smile and laugh," Lucifer confessed, his gaze tender as he locked eyes with her, finding mirrored in her gaze the same sentiment he held strongly for her.

With a gentle gesture, he infused the room with his power, causing the music box, a creation meant for her, to spring to life with a soothing melody.

"Would you take this dance with me?" he asked, intertwining their fingers in a silent invitation.

Curling the corner of her lips upwards, and gazing at him with smiling eyes, she breathed.

"Gladly," she replied, her smile lighting up her face further despite the traces of tears that brimmed in her eyes.

With a gentle sway to the rhythmic music, they began to dance, lost in the enchanting melody that encircled them and the warmth of each other's presence. In that moment, the weight of their shared past and uncertain future melted away, leaving only the promise of their love and the timeless embrace of their dance.

As the gentle melody of the music box filled the room, its notes seemed to weave a spell of enchantment, enveloping them in a cocoon of tranquility. The dance floor, bathed in a soft, ethereal light, shimmered with a mystical energy, inviting them to surrender to its allure.

His wings, aglow with a radiant golden light, encircled her with a tender embrace, their feathers brushing against her skin like delicate silk. With each faint step they took, they moved as if in a trance, their bodies swaying in perfect synchrony to the haunting theme that echoed in the air, a chant of pure fondness.

They danced as if time stood still, lost in the embrace of their surroundings. In that fleeting moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the ethereal dance of their intertwined souls, illuminated by the soft glow of affection.

Their eyes met in a gaze that spoke volumes, each loving glance a silent exchange of secrets and desires. In the hushed stillness of the room, they danced with a slow, deliberate grace, their movements filled with an unspoken yearning that hung heavy in the air.

With each step, they drew closer, the space between them dwindling until they were enveloped deeper in each other's arms. Their breaths intertwined in a sweet, intoxicating dance, the air crackling with the electric energy of their shared passion.

And then, with a tender reverence and a swift manipulation of time, their lips grazed softly, meeting in a kiss that caught their breath in utter suspense.

It was a kiss filled with all the tenderness and longing of two souls intertwined, their hearts beating as one in the throes of a love that defied reasons. In that moment, they were lost in the spell of the world they shared, consumed by the ethereal sense of their connection as they surrendered to the timeless embrace of their love.

Through laughter, shared experiences, and moments of quiet contemplation, Y/N and Lucifer found refuge in each other's presence, their connection transcending the boundaries of their circumstances.

The room was bathed in a radiant golden glow as all of Lucifer's previous creations danced freely around them, filling the space with joy and delight. Among them were countless objects in the shape of ducks, a tribute to her affectionate gesture towards him.

Breaking the kiss despite the reluctance that lingered, she tenderly caressed his cheeks, meeting his soft gaze with hues that sparkled with adoration. In that fleeting moment, she felt as though she was the most precious creation in the universe, the most blessed and cherished by him above all else.

For what felt like an eternity, they remained locked in each other's embrace, his hand gently stroking her hair as she nestled against his chest. With her eyes closed, she listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart within the cage that confined it, a desperate plea being sung to hers, a symphony that echoed her own, filling her soul with a sense of peaceful contentment as the mutual understanding within resided.

With him humming a gentle melody through his curved lips, his cheeks tinted in an evident shade of roses as they rested against her head in profound satisfaction, finding secure solace in each other's arms. Lost in the soothing cadence of his voice, she felt as though they could remain in this moment for eternity.

"I wish that I could stay like this forever," she whispered, her words a tender declaration of her love, her voice muffled against his chest. "With no one else but you."

Lucifer's smile wavered at her words, his heart heavy with affection as he sought solace in her embrace. Though her words carried a bittersweet sting, like poison coursing through his veins, he found himself unable to resist the intoxicating allure of her love.

But his moment of fleeting happiness was shattered as he noticed his hand wrapped around her frame slowly turning to a golden glow, a heavenly dust, a stark reminder of the punishment he had yet to face. His heart sank as the weight of his impending fate bore down on him, demanding to be repaid for his transgressions.

His gleeful smile faltered.

"Won't you stay here with me?" she implored once more, her voice trembling with a mixture of hope and desperation as she locked eyes with him, her gaze pleading. "Here with me, outside of the mirror... If I were to wish for you to be free, would you—"

Her words faltered as she witnessed the sorrow etched on Lucifer's face, his expression a reflection of the anguish that threatened to tear at her own heart. With a heavy heart, he broke their embrace, his wings drooping with the weight of his sadness as he discreetly concealed his hand behind him, hiding the physical manifestation of the heavy burden he bore.

His action reflected his answer.

It breaks her.

In a voice filled with sorrow, he murmured softly, his brows furrowed as he refused to meet her pleading gaze.

"I can't..."


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𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 Lucifer MorningstarWhere stories live. Discover now