
"Are you going to just stand there?" He smiled warmly, his eyes filled with colors that were mixed together as he spoke softly. "Where's the hug I was looking forward to, dear?"

His arms faintly stretched, beckoning her to him.

Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart was pounding in her chest.

His voice, clearer now than it was when he was in his enclosure, filled the room with its melodic resonance, echoing off the walls in a desperate plea to reach her ears and complete their symphony.

Is this a dream?

As she stood there, rooted to the spot, a flood of emotions surged within her at the sight of his proud stature before her, every contour kissed by the whisper of the stars. This wasn't a dream—it was real. Tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks in shimmering rivulets of joy and longing.

With trembling lips, she took a tentative step forward, each movement a destination she was meant to fulfill, her legs threatening to give way beneath her. Lifting her hand to the air, her hand shook as she reached out to him, unable to contain the overwhelming intensity of her emotions.

Gently, like the whispered gospels of the breeze, she traced the contours of his face, her fingertips committing every line and curve to her memory, wanting to preserve this moment for all eternity. From his cheek to his eyes to his lips, she savored the sensation of his skin against hers, as smooth as expensive silk, and the warmth of his body blending with hers. His hair brushed against the back of her finger as she traced his every contour, as soft as gossamer strands. Her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, a longing fulfilled, piercing through the very fabric of reality.

In that fleeting instant, time seemed to stand still, their connection transcending the boundaries of the physical world as they shared an intimacy that defied description. And as she withdrew her hand, a bittersweet ache settled in her chest, knowing that this encounter, for which she had prayed and wished, brought her immense happiness inside, a feeling even she struggled to comprehend and manage thoroughly.

Without hesitating another flickering second, she melted into his embrace, her face buried against his chest, listening to the soft sound of his breathing while his scent engulfed her senses like fresh dew and flowers in the morning. Her arms wound tightly around his back as tears continued to cascade down her cheeks, dampening his pristine white robe.

Gently responding to her actions, he enveloped her in his arms protectively, his soft lips pressing tenderly against her head as he inhaled the sweet fragrance lingering on her hair. It was the first time her warmth truly reached him, the first time her sweet scent enveloped him, and although he was the one who granted her wishes, he wanted someone to grant his own, his sole wish of living in the presence of her love without the intrusive eyes of the heavens.

With soothing circles on her back, he whispered softly, "Come now, you can cry all you want... I'm here to wipe away your tears."

His lighthearted tone belied the depth of his love and concern, offering her solace and comfort in her moment of vulnerability.

In that tender embrace, they remained intertwined, the soft hum of his tune vibrating and filling the air as he patiently waited for her tears to subside. He held her close, cherishing the warmth of her presence against him, their figures bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon above, accompanied by the twinkling stars that danced in delight as they watched them gleefully.

As the moon reached its zenith, casting a gentle radiance upon their intertwined forms, he sensed her gradually relaxing within his arms. Feeling her loosening grip, he gently cupped her face, his eyes filled with pure adoration as he brushed his fingers against her cheeks.

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 Lucifer MorningstarUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum