Chapter 10

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Lucas locks the basement door behind him before anything else could get out he still had to work though so he started his shift. That Minnie Mouse had started moving around the building he doesn't know what to do he try's playing audio ques from the cams around to building to make her move further away from his office but he fails. His only solution was a camera flash that would flicker a bright light tho the room it's used in. He uses it and it's making that husk of a costume move away but there's more problems the Mickey and Pete are making they're way towards his office and he hears loud banging coming from the vents above him. He moves to the corner of his office before what's in the vents gets out "SLAM" the vent cover fell from the ceiling a melted Mickey Mouse falls out its legs are missing and its face... oh it's face was deformed it's mouth was open wider then the size of its head and it had human like eyes its ears came to a point at the end of them. It made a loud screeching sound before it started crawling towards Lucas all he had was a flashlight he flashes the thing and he screams in pain as it crawled out of the room. The Daisy Duck head had made its way into his office while that thing was crawling towards him he was to occupied to realize it was making a loud noise and that made the steamboat Mickey go to the office he plays the audio ques making Willie leave he grabs the daisy and throws it out of the room. Pete enters the room Lucas turns off the lights making it think nobody it there. His shift is finally over he goes to leave the building but the boat is gone he can't get back to his car because he's not a good swimmer he tries calling Daniel but the cell phone service on the island has been terrible this past week he realizes he might not be able to leave till tomorrow when Daniel comes back but he remembers Daniel ending up getting a better job and wouldn't come back to the island he's trapped.

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