Chapter 7

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After Lucas gets home he takes a shower and goes to bed he wakes up in the morning to a phone call from his friend he tells him that he needs to get some hinges for the door he says bye and hangs up the phone Lucas goes to get some breakfast and after gets his clothes on and heads to the hardware store he gets some nails and hinges for the door and a new knob since the old one was rusted and broken he checks out and heads back home when he gets back he takes a shower and then a short nap he wakes up and eats dinner and heads off to the island when he gets in Daniel his friend was there too he gave Lucas a paper and said he found it in one of the old mascot prep rooms the paper had a picture of a factory with Disney mascots there were tubs of that same inky material all of those things were made of it reminded him of that one game what was it Blake and the goo machine? The picture also had sewing machines and fabric everywhere Daniel said is this where Disney made those costumes? Lucas said that he didn't know and also said that those things were everywhere including the basement.

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