Chapter 6

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After Mickey left luacas got a call from his friend and told him after his shift he would have to go down into the basement and his friend hangs up the phone Lucas checks his cameras before his shift ends his shift ends and he gets up to find the basement door he finds an old wooden door he can barely read what the sign on it says it's so old he went in anyways not knowing what the door led to it was the basement the old wooden stairs had almost collapsed but he goes down the whole place was moist and molding water leaks in the roof and old dirty carpeted floors there were cracks all in the walls and soggy cardboard boxes but the worst of all more costumes but none of them were like the others they were slumped over some were hung on racks he didn't think these ones we're alive he gets his flashlight from his pocket and gets a better look at the room there was a locked door and those boxes were filled with old Disney merchandise and Mickey ears and toys one box had a key on it and he trys it on the door it doesn't work so he turns around to look around and the door opens with an loud creaking sound he goes in the room and and he finds more boxes of stuff he got a call from his friend telling him that there's an old door done there somewhere and he needs to bring it upstairs so they can install it where the front door once sat he looks around and barely noticed a black door in the corner he gets it and brings it upstairs and puts it up he gets his things and goes back home

Treasure Island island of souls remastered Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora