Chapter 1.

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It was a beautiful snowy day as I patrolled the forests of my territory. Stopping every so often to mark the border so other shifters knew this area was taken and not to enter.

Coming to the edge of the treeline at the farthest of my borders, I crouched down low in the snow and paused. Knowing that this area was close to one of the human roads, I always made sure to be extra vigilant here. My ears twitching in different directions as I listened for any disturbances.

After a few minutes of waiting with no signs of anything, I start getting restless and bored. Looking up towards the sky to see snow flakes lightly starting to fall once again, covering my orange coat in a thin layer of white. I got up and shook it off of myself before stretching out my muscled body with a yawn.

I continue strolling further along the border now, about to start heading back into the safety of the dense trees and undergrowth that makes up my home, when suddenly I hear something. I perk up my ears and lift my nose up into the air, trying to catch a scent on the wind. When I do, I'm immediately disgusted, shaking my head to try to get the smell out of my nose. It's the humans, lots of them. Lots of not clean ones for that matter. As well as what smells like horses and cattle.

Hmm, one of those cows would be great for dinner tonight. For lots of dinners in the future, too, for that matter.

I think to myself, licking my lips at the thought as I slowly stalk closer to the dirt road.

That is, if I can get past these smelly humans and their annoying weapons that they always seem to be carrying.

All that separates me from them now is a few bushes, which I'm currently hiding in, and a slight hill that leads up to the road. My tail idly flicking side to side in excitement at the thought of what is to come. But it instantly falls still in horror when I get my first glimpse of them passing by.

Firstly, there are two mean looking men on horses leading the way. I can see that they've got the things they call guns attached to their belts. I growl softly at that, realizing that this won't be as easy as I had hoped.

There's also more men on horses like those first two riding around the outside of the group and by the cows.

Great, just great.

Note the sarcasm.

What comes second is what really shocked me, though. Trudging through the deep snow, while the snowfall continues to get heavier, and the sky is starting to get dark with an incoming blizzard. Is dozens of humans. Ragged and filthy looking humans in chains.

Their hands tied uncomfortably behind their backs, while each of them is connected to both the person in front of them and behind them. They're connected with chains. Chains attached to metal collars that appear to be locked around their necks.

As I look closer, I also notice that they seem to be naked or close to naked, at least. Wearing only underwear and thin sandals strapped to their feet.

Thinking to myself, I'm honestly surprised at how they're all still alive. From what I know about humans, they seem to be fairly fragile creatures. Since they don't have any fur, there's no way they could withstand this kind of cold, stormy weather the way that I'm able to.

I decided to ignore the cattle at the back of this strange group for now. My mounting curiosity gets the best of my hunting instincts as I follow along in the shadows to watch them.


At this point, it's probably been at least half an hour since I had started following them. Or at least that's my best guess, considering how dark it's gotten now.

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