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Everyone at Seaside got the chaos emeralds and their teammates King Monkey, Pegasus, and Viperion kept the city safe all day.

"Man, I can't believe we're becoming heroes of another world," Pegasus said.

"Tell me about it" King Monkey ate a banana, "Like those cartoons and imaginations, these creatures that look like animals are like more than what we imagine"

"The snakes here have limbs for example," Viperion said.

"All have 100% hands like humans but some are wearing gloves, just like that blue guy and his friends," Pegasus said.

"Yeah, that blue hedgehog," King Monkey said.

"So far, these creatures seem friendly and nice. Height differences as we are a bit taller than them" Viperion said.

"Except for some that are crocodiles or other big animals," King Monkey said.

"Well, time to see our teammates since they are back," Pegasus said.

"Let's go then," Viperion said.

Pegasus then used voyage to get to their team. The portal opened up and the teams reunited.

"Glad you're all back safely," Viperion said.

"Indeed. By the way, Silver, Miss Hound, and Bunnix managed to get the laptop back. The bad news is Chrysalis did steal every data from Eggman. If she gets ahold of that, she can use advanced technology in our world the same way Monarch hijacked Gabriel's Alliance technology" Ladybug explained.

"I had a vision that this Chrysalis is manipulating Eggman like a pawn. Like a distraction to steal data from him," Silver said.

"This is not good," Sonic said.

"Indirectly I mean. She's a menace. The bad news, is I saw what looked like black vein marks on her body and it's spreading slowly" Silver said.

"That's not good. If an underage holder like her uses the miraculous for evil, it overrides the restrictions from transforming back ever again and since she already did, she's paying a terrible price now. Only adults cannot transform back" Ladybug explained.

"No good. She's dooming herself if she can't redeem herself" Rena Rouge said.

"She's beyond redemption. She never appreciates Milady's help or forgiveness. Worst of all, she's aware of her actions and doesn't care who she hurts, it's obvious that she's too hollow to feel any remorse. Breaking deals with Adrien by hurting Marinette only makes me learn that Lila can't do anything good for anyone. The only thing we can do is face the truth and reality. Just like we did with Chloe" Cat Noir said, knowing that he had patience with those who can change or not.

"What a devil," Sonic said.

"Worst of all we didn't believe Marinette and when we finally saw Lila's true colors, she was right all along. From what I learned, Lila was manipulating us to make us look like we became bad guys to go against Marinette for her. I never thought that people who lie so much can also cause harm" Rena Rouge remembered how terrible of a friend she was to believe Lila over her.

"You learned it the hard way, like I believed Eggman over Sonic" Knuckles said.

"And so did I until Amy Rose helped me see the outcome of my errors," Shadow said.

"You're very welcome...again" Amy smiled.

"Hey, we all learn from our mistakes, even if the damage is severe to feel, we put it behind us and make sure it doesn't repeat again. Everyone lies to protect those they love. There's no such thing as someone who's never lied. But from what you said about this woman who is a compulsive liar, it's like she has no idea what it means to be sincere and honest and the more she lies, the more it causes disasters for herself than on anyone. Eggman has tried to fool me before but he can never win" Sonic explained his confidence.

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