Nila had bunked first hour to go to the canteen with Sanjay so she could rant about the previous day over food. Sanjay didn't mind listening to her go on and on about a fucking plant because Nila had bought him a plate of chicken rice and he hadn't eaten anything from morning. The least he could do was listen to her.

"Why didn't you call me yesterday?" Sanjay asked.

"I wanted to. But I don't know. I changed my mind, I guess," she said, swirling the straw in her mosambi juice. "What do you think about the guy from the bus, though?"

"Hmm, like you said, I don't think he is the one you should be mad at. The poor guy was only trying to be kind. But, Ms Nila Pradeep Kumar, why are you so hung up on the guy? You mention a few guys you meet on the bus here and now but this guy keeps popping up in every conversation. Is he hot?"

Nila's cheeks burnt. "What? Um, yeah, he's kinda good-looking."

"The truth, Nila."

"Fine, he is super hot, okay? He has something about him. He is a complete douchebag but other than that, he keeps grabbing my attention even when he is not in front of me. Is that normal?"

Sanjay leaned back and smirked. "Finally I get the juicy details. I guess this is the reward for hearing you talk about your dead plant for thirty minutes. Spill more, babe."

"Spill what? That's all."

Nila didn't see him on the bus today which was weird. This was one day she wanted to see him and apologise for her behaviour but he didn't show up. She was kinda bummed about it and could only hope she would meet him in the evening so she can get the apology over with and remove the guilt off her shoulders.

"No. Do you maybe have a crush on him?" Sanjay pressed.

"Chi, no way. I hated him. Um, still hate him. I mean, I can hate him and still think he is hot, right?"

Sanjay's smirk grew. "Sure, whatever floats your boat, babe. But let me call my bet now. You will fall for him. And you'll come to me then."

Nila blew through her lips and laughed. "Fall for him? No way. I don't even know anything about him."


She looked away. "Okay, I know he is a college student and he is into sports because of his stinky gym bag. But I don't even know his name."

"You've only just begun interacting. Give it time."

"Please, my parents will butcher me alive if I fall in love with anyone," Nila said.

"That's what every Indian girl or boy says before going and doing the exact same thing. You can't stop things like this, Nila. If it's meant to happen, it will happen."

"I am not brave enough to defy my parents. I won't fall in love, Sanjay. I mean, I've already accepted in my mind that it's gonna be an arranged marriage for me. And I'm okay with it. I don't like the sneaking and lying that comes with love before marriage. I'd rather love openly after getting married."

Sanjay sighed. "You have a twisted sense of understanding things and I respect it. But things change, even mindsets."


"Just saying. Maybe I could be completely wrong about him," Sanjay said and leaned in next to her ear, "or maybe not."

She pulled the straw and splashed the drink on him. "Shut up."

Sanjay laughed and pinched her cheek. "You're welcome, babe."


Two Tickets, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें