Chapter 1: The Disappearance of Donald Na

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Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, South Korea

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Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, South Korea

The truck had definitely struck Donald Na. Gray Yeon, Ben Park, Alex Go, Gerard Jin, Teddy Jin, Rowan Im, Justin, and the truck driver could all testify to that. If any security cameras faced the scene of the accident, it, too, would have captured clear footage of Donald being hit by the truck.

It would also capture footage of Donald Na's body mysteriously disappearing into thin air.

As soon as Donald's body had hit the pavement, and before Gray and his friends could even run down the stairs of the overpass, Donald Na had completely vanished. The only physical evidence of him having actually been there was the pool of blood from when Donald had landed.

There had been no mysterious light, no glowing portal, no crackle of magic, and no puff of smoke. Donald had been there one second and, in less than even the blink of an eye, he had completely disappeared.

The seven Eunjang students were traumatized by the ordeal. Although they weren't sure if the impact had indeed killed Donald, the fact that he had just vanished was still terrifying, horrifying, and traumatizing.

Who was to say that no one else would suddenly vanish just like Donald had?

The kids—because, despite the trauma they had suffered, they were still just children—wanted to report the incident to the police. They wanted to file a missing person's report.

The police would laugh at their story and never believe them. A person disappearing into thin air like that was not scientifically possible. They would tell the kids to stop wasting their time with their childish stories that they made up.

The truck driver eventually left the scene.

The seven boys stood on the sidewalk and stared at where Donald should've been. In the end, they, too, had to eventually leave and return to their homes.

~Donald Na: A Hero's Journey~

It was October 25. Noon.

Kingsley Kwan was worried. He understood when Donald hadn't replied to his messages—hadn't even looked at his messages—or answered his calls last night. He figured Donald must've been resting after the two hardest fights he ever fought.

It was already the next day, but Donald had yet to read his messages. The grey unread made Kingsley worry that something had happened to Donald. Donald was a light sleeper, one of the habits he kept from his childhood, and so when Kingsley called Donald's phone and Donald hadn't answered, he knew something was wrong. Donald couldn't have slept past his ringtone.

Kingsley rushed over to Donald's apartment and unlocked it with his spare key. If Donald was exhausted enough to sleep through his several phone calls, then Kingsley would only be faced with an annoyed Donald.

"Donald?" Kingsley looked through each room, but he did not see his boyfriend. Maybe he's at his office. Maybe he turned his phone off so he can focus on figuring out a why to rebuild the Union.

Kingsley hurriedly sprinted over to Yeouinaru Office Building. Donald's apartment wasn't too far from the building because Donald didn't want too much of a hassle of traveling between the two locations, so Kingsley arrived quickly. He ran up the stairs and opened Donald's office.

Donald wasn't there either.

Kingsley's heartbeat began to quicken and he began to feel light headed. He's...He's just in the meeting room. There's a larger table there, so he must've gone there to spread out his documents easier.

When Kingsley found the meeting room to be empty, his breathing became short and rapid. Where...Where is Donald?! Why isn't Donald here?! Why isn't he answering my calls?! Why isn't he even looking at my texts?! WHERE IS DONALD?!

Kingsley staggered away from the rooms and his back hit the hallway. His whole world began to spin as he stumbled down the hallway, and he eventually collapsed to the floor. One of the other lessee of the office building noticed Kingsley and rushed over to him.

"Kid, are you okay?!"

Kingsley didn't answer. He couldn't answer. His mind was filled with panic over the fact that Donald was missing. It didn't take long for him to lose conscious.

~Donald Na: A Hero's Journey~

Kingsley awakened in the hospital. His parents never came to check up on him, not that he expected them to. They would probably give a lecture on how they were disappointed in him for still not being the number one in Yeo-Il High School. Kingsley could never take that spot; Donald was smarter than him in every aspect. Even before Donald had come along, Kingsley was always second place and could never take the throne.

It was quite ironic and hypocritical how his parents always lectured him to be the top of his class even though his parents were never once the top of their classes either.

Kingsley didn't expect any visitors, so he was surprised when Jake visited him and greeted him, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Donald's missing."

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, "We just saw him last night."

"He never came home. He isn't reading my texts. He isn't answering my calls. He isn't at his apartment or Yeouinaru."

"Where could he have gone?"

"I don't know." Kingsley's voice was quiet and he sounded as if he were trying his hardest to not break down. "I don't know, but I will find him."

"I'll ask around to see if anyone has seen him," Jake said, "and if we can find any leads as to his whereabouts."

Kingsley silently nodded.

~Donald Na: A Hero's Journey~

When Gray didn't show up to school on Monday, the gang began to panic. It wasn't like him to miss school, so they feared that he, too, had suddenly disappeared into thin air. They began to text him and call him all at once. It wasn't until Gray finally replied to the group chat with "I didn't disappear. I'm at home." that they finally calmed down.

Their fears weren't completely assuaged. The gang skipped school to go to Gray's apartment to check on him. To their relief, Gray's mother said that Gray doesn't want any visitors. Although they didn't see him in person, they accepted the fact that Gray's mother had interacted with her son as confirmation that Gray never disappeared.

~Donald Na: A Hero's Journey~

Author's Note: Hey everyone, I've been playing Loomian Legacy a lot lately, so I decided to create a crossover fanfic of it with Weak Hero. There will be some changes to the Loomian Legacy storyline, such as the distances between places being larger, cities and towns being bigger, pretty much what the Pokémon anime did when it adapted the game.
Also, when it comes to battling the bad guys, Donald's not going to care about things like battle courtesy and honor.

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