Chapter 8 - Were only 1 hour in and your already fighting

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third person pov*S1 - Ep 3

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third person pov*
S1 - Ep 3

The bus of people were crowded to the brim, Annabeth being Annabeth chose the seats all the way in the back. Addy, Percy, and Grover sat together in the three seater as Annabeth sat alone across from them.

They're was slight conversation through the four of them. Before Addy fell asleep, Percy had moved her so she was sleeping on his shoulder. Claiming that it was more comfortable for her when Grover and Annabeth looked at him a certain way.

The sound of the toilet flushing, and coughing, with the slight murmur from Percy was heard as Addy went through conscious, and unconscious...

"There is no way this is what sacred smells like." whispers Percy

"We're soldiers on a mission. It's not a vacation." replied Annabeth not turning to look at him

"Thank you for clearing that up. But if this is so important, why didn't Chiron spring for plane tickets? This seems kind of low priority, doesn't it?"

"Sorry, I assumed someone had told you." said Grover

"Tell me what?"

"Percy, it isn't just the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us. You're a forbidden child. Zeus might decide to take a shot at you himself. The sky is his domain. We'd be serving you up on a silver platter to try to travel through it."

"Yeah, no one mentioned that."

Addy finally woke up, after listening to the previous conversation. She agreed with both Annabeth and Percy, this is definitely not what sacred smells like, but what could you do when you're in more danger?

"Okay, I'm gonna go get us some snacks." Annabeth announced when the bus had stopped

"I'll come with you." Percy said ready to get up,

"No, you'll stay right there."

"Why? It smells terrible back here."

"Monsters can't smell you through that, so that's where I want you." argued Annabeth

"I wanna vote. Who thinks that we should all go get to breathe fresh air and buy our own snacks?" Addy at this point was annoyed just waiting for the time when they weren't fighting.

"There's no voting. Chips and sodas okay for you guys?"

"I don't think you should just get to decide we don't vote." Percy argued getting angrier by the second

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Okay. I wanna vote on whether you get to decide we don't vote."

"Grover, please, can you help your" Grover started clapping excitedly, as Addy groaned putting her head on Percy's shoulder again.

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