Dont let this darkness fool you

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When Owen got up he made his way to check on Tk quietly it was quite early so he was expecting to find Tk in bed fast asleep after the previous day's events

Instead, he found an empty bed he went into the bathroom where he found Tk sitting in the bathtub with a blanket wrapped around him still in his PJs

"If you needed me you should have called me ." Owen said, " I don't want to be a nuisance." Tk said staring down at his feet " You could never be everyone is happy you're here ." Owen said joining Tk in the tub " I'm thinking of taking a job down in Austin thought it would be a good fresh start for all of us ." Owen said as Tk leaned his head on his shoulder

"What about Judd and Grace ." Tk said, "They would come they want somewhere quieter for baby ." Owen said
"Maybe you could come to work with me once you're certified you'd be a problem until you pass your boards but we can help you," Owen said
" I'm a dual-certified paramedic." Tk said scratching his head "Well that's even better ... would you be up for it ?" Owen asked, "Me and Judd would be there with you ." Owen assured him"Okay ."Tk said, "Let's get you back into bed ." Owen said helping Tk out from the tub
"Mom's dead ." Tk said when he laid back in bed " I'm sorry bubs." Owen said
"Could you stay ..?" Tk asked softly "Yeah sure ." Owen laid back and Tk laid his head on Owens's chest Owen relaxed as he heard Tk's breath go in and out as his chest rose and fell  he missed this

The next morning Judd came and checked on Tk "How are you doing baby bro ?" Judd asked entering the room "I'm okay ."  Tk said biting his nails "I heard you coming to Texas with us ."  Judd said sitting next to Tk
"If you're okay with that .."

"You've been gone so long I don't even want to leave the house unless you're with me ." Judd laughed Tk gave a soft smile

" you know that if you need anything we're here right ?" Judd said "Thanks." 

Owen and Judd went to work leaving Grace and Tk home alone to start  to pack "You know I can do it i don't want you to hurt yourself you should be resting ." Tk said tapping up a box " You sound like Judd now ." Grace teased "Well you shouldn't be hurting yourself either you should still be in a hospital bed, sir ."  Grace laughed but Tk just stayed silent recalling the events of the day before "I'm sorry - I didn't mean -" Grace said gripping a chair "You okay ?" Tk said rushing to help Grace sit down " It's too early .." Grace said holding onto Tk " When's your due date ?"  Tk asked trying to calm Grace down " 2 months April 6th.." Grace said "It's too early .." Grace said, "Okay Grace I'm pretty sure you not going into actual labor ."  Tk said, "But we're  gonna go to the hospital just in case ." Tk said, "How would you know ?" Grace said in pain

"Well, I am a dual-certified paramedic ."  Tk said grabbing the car keys " So nothing's wrong with the baby ??" Grace asked

"I'm pretty sure she's just playing a trick on you ."  Tk said " But we are gonna go check to make sure

Judd walked into the hospital "Where's Gracie? Is she okay? Did she lose the baby?" Judd said still in his uniform " She's okay and she didn't lose the baby she has Braxton hicks it's normal but usually caused by stress she's on bed rest for a few days but other than that everything's good ." Tk said looking at Grace through the door " thank god you were there .." Judd said hugging Tk

"Sorry, I know you're jumpy I just - they are my everything and I couldn't imagine if something happened to them," Judd said wiping the tray from the corner of his eye

" Happy I could help," Tk said biting his nails

Judd went in to see Grace but Tk just stayed outside this seemed like a family thing and he didn't feel like he belonged

So instead of staying there being a third wheel he left and went back to Owen's house to continue packing he enjoyed it it was therapeutic he just listened to his music

It took his mind off of everything else the previous day's events the pain that lingered in his abdomen the mental block the fear that Alex would find him part of him wanted to just put himself in a box and tape himself up and hope that they lost the box

Fold- tape - fill -tape - stack

Over and over again most of the house was packed except for people's items he didn't have anything to pack other than one small box that held some clothes Owen grabbed from the apartment that he once called home that was now covered in caution tape as a crime scene

Part of him knew he deserved what Alex did to him - part of him wishes that he had died in that bathtub - cause the fear that lingers is worse than feeling like drowning

" you okay ?" Owen said putting a hand on Tk's shoulder " Jesus ." Tk said, "Sorry." Tk said taking out his earbuds

"Don't apologize you did nothing wrong seemed you had a pretty eventful day," Owen said heading to the kitchen

"Are you hungry ?" Owen asked

" no I'm pretty tired  could I just go to bed ?" Tk asked despite him not eating all-day

"Yeah, sure," Owen said

Tk closed the door behind him before heading to the bathroom he sat on the floor in front of the bathtub

He caressed the edge


No water

He wasn't in the tub his blood wasn't turning the water red he was okay but in his mind, he was drowning he was always drowning

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