"Of course! I'm so happy you're here!"

As always, he was a loveable ball of sunshine, awkward mannerisms and all. You were also glad that your amnesia only appeared to have impacted personal memories and not general knowledge. You were comfortable with most of the class content. Far from being perfect, but based on how you felt so far, you imagined you probably used to be a pretty decent student.

Anyways, you were getting pretty hungry. If you waited much longer, your stomach would start making all sorts of questionable sounds.

"Let's go," you gestured to Izuku. "You can show me what's good in the cafeteria."

Eager to get some food, but also sit down and finally have a chance to talk with him today, you headed to leave the classroom.

Only to find that Katsuki and his underlings were blocking your way.

"K-Kacchan," Izuku nervously stammered out. "Um... can we please get past?"

You had to fight back the urge to aggressively roll your eyes, lest you risk pissing Katsuki off even more. Seriously, what was his deal? Didn't he ever get tired of this? Because you sure as hell were. It felt like a whole bunch of wasted time and effort. Was he so insecure that treating others like dirt actually made him feel better about himself?

Katsuki jutted his chin in your direction. "Why's this bitch here? Who is she, anyways? I see you two have already become butt buddies. Since when does anyone want to be friends with your sorry ass?"

"D-Don't call her that," Izuku swallowed.

"Call her what?" Katsuki chuckled. "A bitch? It's not my fault if that's what she is."

Izuku was trembling slightly, but still managed to clench his fists. "She isn't," he said, mustering up the nerve to look Katsuki dead in the eyes. "W-We just want to eat. Let us go through... okay?"

It only took a second for Katsuki's irritation to turn to rage.

"Since when do I take orders from you?" he glowered. "Don't tell me what to say. Don't tell me what to do. And stop looking at me with those annoyingly wimpy eyes of yours. They piss me off. Goddammit. Both of you get on my fucking nerves."

As much as you wanted to get angry at Katsuki for the way that he was treating you and your friend, somehow, you just couldn't.

You weren't exactly sure why, but a part of you felt sorry for him. Something kept tugging at your heartstrings and telling you that despite the bravado he liked to maintain, underneath it all lay a deeply troubled teenage boy.

But since you didn't want him to mistake your pity for ridicule, you forced your expression to remain as neutral as possible.

"Sorry for being a bitch," was all you said. Then, you grabbed Izuku by the hand. "We're gonna go now. I hope you have a nice lunch."

You pulled Izuku along without waiting to hear what Katsuki said in return. He wasn't coming after you, at the very least, and his love points hadn't dropped either.

For the time being, that would suffice.

As Izuku stumbled to keep up with your brisk pace, you could feel his grip on your hand tightening. When you looked back, his expression was rife with dejection.


[Midoriya Izuku wishes he could have done a better job of standing up for you.]

[-10 love points.]

[Current progress: 80/200]

"I'm sorry," he breathed, gnawing on his bottom lip. "Kacchan's always had a dirty mouth, but you're my friend, and I shouldn't have let him talk to you that way. If only I wasn't such a weakling..."

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