Chapter 35: Welcome to Chaos Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Does your question have to do with me or my father?" I lean back in my chair, looking at Satoru's grandfather.

"Both." He mirrors me.

My lungs relax as a stream of air moves past my lips.

"My mentality and personality stuck with me. The only things that changed were how I moved through the world."

I squint my eyes trying to make sense of my words.

Does that justify what we experienced? I knew about Simon's partner from our coffee date, and his bully from firsthand experience. Yet, my father recognized me when my soul inhabited Simon's body. I could see curses while we were switched...and now Simon is a student at jujutsu tech. And the never-ending nightmares! What a mess!

"You are aware Simon has been recruited to jujutsu tech, right?" I tip my head to the right, eyes still squinting.

"And these two mentioned you saw your father. Is this correct?"

I shake my head up and down, noticing the clouds slowing moving in. The grandparent places two fingers on his forehead, forcing his eyes closed. My instructor's lips form a tight line.

"Before you ask, I don't know where he is. He alluded to not being in Canada when I took the mission there." I look at the door before slowly getting up. "Please do something about Simon and his recruitment to Jujutsu Tech. I don't want him getting involved with...whatever this is." I gesture around the room before exiting.

Once outside, I take a deep breath, letting it out in a six-count. As a gentle kiss of tears trickles from the grey sky, I grab both of my elbows.

At least the letters are waiting for me at home.


While stuck in my head and cellphone, I nearly miss the slight up-kick of water. I slowly turn my face over my shoulder and squint my eyes. There is a figure fleshed with a dark wall across the street. I step forward and catch their silhouette in the green traffic light. Rather than fleeing like a chicken, I curl my hands, squaring my body with theirs.

As they move across the street, I walk through the three people heading towards me. I stop a few centimeters from the sidewalk's end...coming shoulder to shoulder with the other person.

"Why are you here?" I keep my eyes forward and my teeth grit.

"How about we get out of the cold?" The person looks at me, "After all, you stood me up earlier."

I turn on my heels, passing the other person. I turn right and hold the cafe door open. They catch up to me in no time.


"Here is the coffee for you, sir. And your hot chocolate miss. Enjoy."

My company gives the server a quick smile while I swap our drinks.

I close my eyes, send off a text message, and unclench my jaw. The buzzing noises from the cafe do nothing but grind my nerves. When I put my phone away, I notice the other person leaning back against their chair. Their eyes and nose look familiar. Their confidence makes me comfortable and alert.

"What is your name?" I take a sip from my mug without blowing the steam.

"Jules. Your mother's twin brother." Jules takes a sip from his mug, wiping away whipped cream from his mouth. "What other questions do you have?"

I lean my right elbow on the table, rubbing my eyes with my fingers.

"How do I know you are not some assassin sorcerer out for a payday? Hmmm?"

I lock my knuckles under my armpits, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You're like her, in every way. Alert, headstrong, intelligent." Jules looks over his shoulder as the door opens.

My face relaxes as Grandpa Gojo walks into my line of vision. Grandpa pauses mid-step, making Jules turn around in his chair. Jules waves his hand as a smile flashes across his face. The grandparent quickly waves back while approaching the table.

"It has been a while, Harurun. How is your grandson?" Jules places both palms on the table. "Lithuila and I were catching up."

I place my right thumb underneath my right temple. Harurun looks between me and Jules before asking me why I summoned him.

I point to Jules.

Harrurun sits down while rubbing his jaw and looking toward the ceiling. His eyebrows shoot toward the ceiling. A half-ass smile lurks behind his blue eyes.

Jules' mouth opens halfway while his head bobs up and down.

I look from one adult to the other scrambling for an explanation.

"Sorry." Gojo's apology barely reaches my ears. "I meant to come to the shop this afternoon but...I got held up on personal business."

I notice Gojo curling his left fist under the table. Rather than prod for information, I meet his half grin with one of my own. He turns his attention to our company.

"To your question, Jules, Satoru is himself."

I hold back my laughter.

"But, we are not here to discuss my family."

Grandpa Gojo uncurls his fists. Jules shifts in his seat. I slump into the back of my chair, throwing my eyes toward the ceiling.

"Why are you intro...reintroducing yourself?" I keep my voice low enough so only our table can hear. My mind scrambles for a memory of this person who looks just like my mother. "How long have you been following me?"

"She says to stay back and listen to us."

I instantly furrow my brow. "Who?" My question comes out through gritted teeth.

"The person who helped make you. I don't know where she is per se but...."

I cut Jules off mid-sentence. "You have answers and I want them. Keep talking."

"Not now." Jules looks at his watch and slowly gets up. "It was nice seeing you Harurun and Lithuila."

As my uncle walks away, I stay close to his heels. Once outside the door, he holds up a hand and shakes his head no. My mouth drops open and my arms fall to my sides. He continues on his way without looking back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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