Chapter 28: And it Could Kill Us All

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As the door creeks open, I hold my hands to my face, blocking out some of the light. I grit my teeth, inhaling a salty, metallic taste. The hair on my arms, neck, and back stands on end the further I move from my holding spot.

I drop my hands, steadying my gaze on what stands before me. The pink barrier, its black outline sticking out like a sore thumb, greets me with a taunting presence. No wonder there is a sense of urgency to merge Riko and Tengen. My stomach churns at this thought!

An occupation created from people's worse fears and sustained by people who use each other to maintain power. What a deplorable cycle! Now I get why mum and dad argued over my training.

It is too dangerous! Sharah, you know what happened when we found out we were having a daughter.

Jorgen, I would feel more comfortable if we trained her and let her decide to continue or not when she is older. There is no telling how long we will be in her life. I want to prepare her for the worst-case scenario.

And what about you Sharah?

I curl up my fists. Blood drains from my hands as I inhale, exhale, and repeat. Now is not the time to remanence on my parents' love and devotion to their family. Nor is it the place to blame others for what is unfolding.

With my eyes cast to the floor, I bolt headfirst through the barrier. Every fiber in my body feels like Jell-O. My lungs quiver under the barrier's weight. I push forward despite the discomfort.

I notice light-pink railroad tracks running up my arms as I emerge from the barrier. My hands find my knees, preventing my body from collapsing. Before my thoughts get carried away, I scan the environment.

Trees litter the entry to the school. Fly heads roam freely, ignoring my presence. Blood hovers in the air like a heavy fog. Something catches my attention, making me break into a run.

"Stay with me!" My breathing comes out in short puffs. I skid on my knees, the same way a baseball player does when they slide into Homeplate when I am a few inches away from him.

I place a hand on his chest, sending waves of cursed energy into Satoru's bloodstream. Water pricks at the corners of my eyes but, I shake some sense into myself. If I hit an artery or vital organ with cursed energy, it is game over. My eyes go dark when the sound of footsteps bounces off in the distance.

I put my lips to Satoru's ear and whisper "you got it from here." A creepy smile forms on my face as I dart off.

The attacker will pay in blood!

By the time I make it downstairs, my blood boils in my veins. The adrenaline jacks up my excitement. I veer right, weaving between ceiling-high mausoleums.

I steady my breathing and pounce on his back without a second thought. My body slides across the roof tiles, forcing blood out of my mouth. With shaky legs, I stand up. As his gun comes into view, I shield my face and grab hold of his wrist. I am pistol-whipped in the chest!

While gasping for air, I land, back first, on the ground. Just as I look up, my teeth meet his fist; I relax my body as he gets in another punch.

"Put more effort into your attacks." He scoffs while kicking my face. "I thought you lot were tougher than this." His footsteps grow lighter and lighter.

My face twitches into a smile as I slowly get up. I follow the echoes to another part of the corridors. With each step, my smile grows bigger and bigger. The excitement of hunting and being hunted, makes my heart leap.

I shake my head, freezing in place at my own musings; to think I used to loath being chased. Now, the tables have turned. Through double vision, I see Suguru's and Riko's silhouettes. My hand never leaves the injury on my left hip as I sway to and fro.

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