Chapter 25- Mission Complete

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An Hour Car Ride Latter

"Mind telling us why we are at San Laurent Hospital, Businge?"

"Paula, I want to use the hospital as a reference point. The three of us received treatment here before the school pulled us off the case...when Aamina hurt her head?"

"Yes, I remember that day. What is the plan?"

It is decided that Aamina, Businge, and I will split off from Paula and Mathéo. I turn my eyes towards the sky; the sweet melody of chirping flirts with my ears as I exhale for thirty seconds.

A cold chill rolls through my body and it is not from the weather.

"We will rendezvous here", Aamina places a bag of rocks near the side of the road, "by midnight."

"Are you sure you don't want one of us to accompany you all?"

"Mathéo, you and Paula work well together...and she is descent in reverse-curse technique. Should either of you be injured, you will not have to wait around for first aid. Businge and I have been training together since birth. And Blaise...we like having her around."

The corners of my eyes crease at Aamina's words.

"Very well then. Come on Mathéo, we have work to do."

Once the adults are out of earshot, I strike up a conversation.

"You know precisely where our target is located, eh, Businge."

"Of course I do. I am not one to sit around and wait for permission to investigate a case. Do me a favor and keep an eye on Aamina. I am not entirely comfortable with her being on this case."

"Any particular reason you don't want her...."

"You know why! Come on, I don't want to be caught in the open when the sun sets."

An Hour of Walking Later

The slightest trail of blood oozes from Aamina's knee as she picks herself up. I break out into a jog to keep pace with her. Once Aamina slows down, she shoots her hand out, stopping me in my tracks but, it is too late.

I cover my face, trying to brush the dirt from my face. My heart rate spikes up when someone reaches out and grabs my shirt. I jerk my eyes open, swatting them away in the process. A burning sensation encapsulates my hand.

"Are you with them?" The sound coming from this person is nearly inaudible.

I move away from the voice. The sounds of footsteps echo in my ears and the same question comes at me.

"Are you with them?"

My hands and pants feel wet. The slightest glimmer of light reflects off pools of water.

"Show me your face first then I will answer your question. Move slowly."

In a few seconds, the person behind the voice is in front of me. They are a quarter of my height, thin, and refuse to get closer to me. I get a quick look at their face, despite the darkness, and my eyes bug out my face.

"Why is your mouth gaping open, Miss? The child asks with a slight giggle in their voice.

"With whom?"

"Blaise?" Another hand rests on my shoulder, making me scurry toward the child.

Aamina rolls her eyes and gestures for me to get up.

"Businge is up ahead."

"Can I come with you two?"

Aamina and I look at each other and nod.

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