Chapter 16: That One Time...

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I look at the moon letting my blood pressure slowly de-escalate. A single tear rolls down my face.

"How about we catch up with the others?" Haruren states in a casual tone. "I have some business to discuss with my grandson."

I grin and tuck my hands under my armpits for warmth. While walking toward the morgue, a light flashes in my pocket. My face hardens at the message on the screen.

If you choose to move forward with your plan, we will meet in person. Should you turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light, we will meet still. Tread carefully when dealing with the undead.

Each breath leaving my mouth makes my heart tighten. I blink my eyes rapidly, trying to keep them from drooping closed. My brain feels like mush but, turns a mile a minute, interpreting the subtle threat. The dark atmosphere closes in on me while I type away.

A crow sits atop an oak tree, eyeing a rat. The hawk's red talons shimmer in the sunlight as the rat scurries home. Enjoy listening to the Music of the Night, crow.

"Who are you texting?"

"I am not sure Suguru. But, I have my assumptions." The corners of my mouth drop to the floor while my eyes follow suit.

February 1st, 2007: 11:00 pm

After the long-winded surprise meeting, and exorcising the apartment curse, it is time for bed. The coffee from earlier kicks in, making me toss and turn every ten seconds. I flip onto my back, crank my eyes open and listen to my heart beating in my ears.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Hey, Sakura. Come inside."

Sakura's shoulders reach for her ears as she drags her feet toward my bed. Once situated, she crosses her ankles.

"Here. Satoru wanted me to give you these." She hands me a light-green envelope. "He did not give many details on what is inside...and I did not ask for information."

I flip the envelope over, noticing an emblem pressed on the case's edge. My eyes slowly squint as my cheeks fill with air. Once the contents come into view, I forget to blink for thirty seconds.

Three black and white photos stare back at me. One of the photos holds a similar appearance to one of my parents, but, the other photos are unfamiliar. It is the three colored photos that make me cover my mouth and gasp.

"What is up, Blaise?"

I hand the photo of my parents to her: they are around twenty years old and holding my newly born, twin brothers. Goodness, their smiles are brighter than a hot summer's day.

The second photo is blurry and hard to interpret. This third photo is of me swaddled like a burrito, being held by someone with stern brown eyes, a goatee, and sunglasses tucked into their shirt. I am lost in my world when a slight embrace grabs my attention.

"It's ok," I lean my head on Sakura's shoulders, realizing the cool tears streaming down my warm face.

February 2nd, 2007

I roll over in my bed, jumping in my skin at the body laying next to me. A smile creeps up when I realize my error. As I am walking out of the bathroom, I catch something out of the corner of my eyes. It is black with a halo of red around its body.

"It is alright" I keep my voice low and gentle, "you will be safe with me." The bird pecks my hand before allowing me to pick it up.

A Few Hours Later

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