Chapter 22: Mission Canada

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June 1st, 2007: The Quad Area of the Tokyo Branch

"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting. Did you miss us?"

"Do you want an honest answer or a sugar-coated answer, sweet tooth?"

"And you give me a hard time for calling you, kid."

I shrug my shoulders and hold both my palms up towards the sky. Summer term has started, and Jujutsu Tech keeps handing out missions.

Hmm. Where is Yaga? When he told us to come to campus, it sounded urgent. And it is unlike him to show up late.

"Santa-Clara, stop looking outside the window and pay attention."

I scuttle to the seat closest to the door without back talking. The Elders have been more annoying than usual. After leaving Kyoto, they gave me a week's worth of additional sorcery duties. According to them, the duties are reminders for me to take sorcery seriously...and be respectful.

"Where are you sending us this time?"

I stare at Yaga point-blank, with one hand cupped under my chin. His stoic expression hardly cracks when his eyebrows kiss each other, creating wrinkles on his forehead. Gojo starts chuckling under his breath while Geto musters a half-hearted smile.

"Do you want to run that question by me again, Santa-Clara?"

I clear my throat before answering Yaga.

"Who issued the assignments? Are we going on a mission as a three-student squad or individually?"

"Do you always question the motives of others, young one?"

"I feel you can answer your question, Gojo."

"That is enough Santa-Clara."

A knot forms in the pit of my stomach. The hair on my neck stands straight up, and my pupils dilate two centimeters as I read my debrief.

Mission Location: Canada

Reason for Mission: Disappearance(s).

Primary Mission Objective: Locate the missing individual(s) and gather information from them. If the individual(s) turn up dead/possessed/transformed, dispose of them per Jujutsu Law.

Sorcerer Assigned to Mission: Santa-Clara, Lithuila

Points of Contact: Jujutsu Technical College Higher-Ups and local authorities

Expected Turn Around Time: 2 months, minimum

"I made efforts to get someone to accompany you on this mission, Santa-Clara. However, the Higher Ups feel there are not enough resources to allocate. Please accept my apology."

I get up from my chair, bidding my company goodbye. My mission starts in one day and there are personal tasks that need attention.


"Why have you summoned us, Miss Santa-Clara?"

"I want a different mission."

"Care to explain to us why you wish to be reassigned?"

I clear my throat and calm myself down before proceeding.

"This is the first time I have heard of Jujutsu Tech reaching abroad for mission assignments. Before you proceed, Elders, I would like to finish my statement."

"Proceed then."

"Did Jujutsu Technical College or the Canadians issue this mission?"

"The person who issued the mission wants to remain anonymous."

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