Chapter 18: Sister-Exchange Event, Day 1

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After touring the Kyoto campus, my classmates and I had the rest of the day to ourselves. I walked around the city, took in some sights, and ran. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Then evening came, and things got weird. It all started with a chance encounter in the hallway of the dormitories.

My forehead broke out into a cold sweat, and my heart rate shot up, causing me to clutch my chest. Thankfully, it was not a heart attack. Euphoria, calmness, and beauty I have not experienced before replaced the uncomfortable bodily sensations. I started laughing under my breath as a dark-haired came into my line of view.

"What is with the look, Miss Blaise?"


"Nanami asked you a question, kid. What is with the look? Are you feeling nervous about the team battle today? Are you thinking about Simon?"

I want to throw my cup of tea at Satoru for mocking me but resist. He would expect me to lash out and can activate his Limitless Technique to defend himself. Plus, I have been making strides in counseling and refuse to regress into my old habits.

"To your question Nanami, I am thinking about someone I ran into last night." I turn my eyes to Satoru. "Gojo, I saw this person in the hallway. Kindly refrain from sharing whatever crude or dirty thoughts you are harboring. And stop shipping me with Simon."

"You have such little faith in me, Santa-Clara. Besides, you and Simon would make a cute couple."

After taking a hard sip of tea, I scrunch my face.

"I am not interested in Simon romantically, for numerous reasons. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to freshen up before the opening ceremonies."

Roughly ten minutes later

"If I may have everyone's attention."

I perk up at Principal Gakuganji's gruff voice, making a hard line with my lips.

"Everyone, listen up! Principal Gakuganji and I have some important information to share with each of you. The sooner we get through sharing, the sooner we can move on."

The moment Yaga starts talking is the moment everyone turns their attention to the adults. Now I can hear my thoughts crystal clear.

"Much appreciation, Masamichi. As I was going to say, we are holding individual battles today."

A pin could drop, and one would hear it. Mouths gape open, eyes widen, and a few hearts skip a beat or two. I smirk to myself.

"Hold up. Today is the team event. What gives?"

"We are breaking away from tradition for accommodation purposes."

"Really? Explain why first-year students are participating this year?"

"There is strong talent in the first years", Gakuganji raises an eyebrow while turning his head in my direction, "and we want to give them a chance to shine."

I tune out the rest of the principal's chatter by watching my palms. Then I catch him walking into the room.

"Good morning, sunshine. Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

"I do mind. Please find someplace else to sit."

I turn my gaze toward the front of the room and stare off into space. Ijichi moves his eyes to the left, just in case.

"Hehehe. Nice try, Santa-Clara. For the record, we will most likely be paired up. Two strong sorcerers going at it for the sake of appearance. What do you make of this?"

"You mean one strong sorcerer beating the daylights out of a scared wimp. Sounds like an even match to me." My purple eyes lock onto Naoya's green eyes. He gulps hard while backing into his chair.

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