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Six pupils packed into the little convenience store, browsing for the specific type of ice cream flavour each person wanted. The delicious smell of fresh sugar bread, cakes, and pastries calmed her nerves. The sales boy at the counter was quietly keeping an eye on them. Winifred did not dare to look into the fridge where her friends were gathered.

"Which one do you like, Winifred?" Ada held up a vanilla and strawberry ice cream in front of her.

She sniffled, "Er, I can't have any. I still have a cold."

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Ada dropped one of the frosted packets back in its place.

"Hm... it didn't bother you before," Nana mused and spun her attention to Kate with an 'I-don't-care' demeanour. Even though Nana was right about her habit of lack of care for her own health, she still felt dejected. What else was she expecting? Perhaps a pat on the head with her soft voice whispering: "Poor thing, you'll be fine soon, okay." just the way she was doing right now to Chizoba because she bit her tongue.

The truth was Nana's words were still replaying like a playlist on repeat in her mind. She had believed that Nana's habit of paying for the group's lunch meals was an act of true generosity and love. For Winifred, who seldom ate breakfast, starving until the end of school hours because the simple task of purchasing a biscuit by herself seemed dreadful, it was nice to eat free food. If she knew that Nana would later use it against her, she would've vigorously refused the offer. With Nana, it was as if she was walking on muddy ground. She might slip and fall if she rushed to take more than was dished into her plate.

The goods were dropped in her arms while Nana paid for them. Then they turned to head back to class. As everyone reached into the bag to collect a sachet of ice cream, they heard a familiar voice and looked up. In front of them, a few distance away was Mr Ever talking to another teacher who was a bit far away so he was looking behind him while walking in a zigzag manner. In a blink of an eye, his legs had covered a good distance closer to them and Winifred hid the bag behind her back as the gang kept on moving forward with confidence. Winifred cursed, blaming Nana for whatever suffering she was going to endure from now on.

Then Mr Ever's gaze fell on the six girls and halted which also made the group stop moving. The beat of Winifred's heart doubled at an unhealthy pace. Well, she was dead.

His eyes flickered down at his silver wristwatch. His voice stern."What are you students doing out here when you're supposed to be in your classroom?!"

They glanced at each other, perhaps wondering how to defend themselves, a lie to tell this unforgiving teacher. Winifred remained silent at the back, staring at the letters printed on his white shirt, the words she wanted to say never reaching her tongue. It only seemed like a great excuse she could say in her imagination.

"And which class do you lot belong to?"

Faint enthusiastic cheers filled the silence plaguing the group. And then Nana stepped forward, chin up with purpose.

"Class 3-C. We were just coming from Class 5, sir. A senior sent for us."

"Oh really?" His tone gave away the fact that he didn't believe Nana. His stern gaze swept over them and he looked down at Nana, his hand grasping the other hidden underneath a juniper green coat.

"Yes sir. Senior Mercy was to give us a talk about this week's choir practice session but we didn't meet her."

He protruded a grey trouser-covered leg and leaned backward, "Of course, you didn't see her because she is not in school today. Now, except for the students that are practising for the mini interschool basketball tournament, no one else is supposed to be out of their classes."

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