Chapter 9: The Execution

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"How much time has passed?"

She thought to herself, but she knew it was no use wondering for it didn't matter, at the end of this road the only thing there is is death, it matters not how long it takes to reach it.

"I wonder what everyone's doing, perhaps Vance was protesting and pleading with everyone involved."

She almost giggled at the thought

"I can certainly imagine that pathetic boy getting on his knees just to plead for me, how futile"

Her thoughts were interrupted by a guard coming down and opening the creaky door a couple cells over and starting to escort whatever prisoner that was there out.

"It seems like your beloved prince didn't save you after all."

A familiar voice said.

She recognized the voice was the shameless person who dared to mock her before.

She glanced up to see who could be the owner of such audacious words.

It was just a man, no unique or special characteristics other than being skinny and dirty.

"If such a thing can be so disrespectful to me with no consequence, what does that say about my position?" she thought to herself.

Not long after a guard came to her cell and opened it, demanding her to get up.

But she couldn't, she simply had no strength.

After being hoisted up and forced to walk out of the prison, presumably to her demise she saw the light of day for the first time in who knows how long.

The sun was so bright, it stung her eyes and made them water.

She squinted as her eyes readjusted, when she could finally see properly she saw her dad standing, watching her being forced to march to her death.

She mustered up all her strength to break free from the guards hold and grab onto him.

"Please father, I'm your only daughter please please save me!"

She held onto his arm and pleaded.

He looked at her like she was some sort of stranger.

"Daughter? What nonsense, I lost my daughter the day I lost my wife."

Tears began to moisten Linette's eyes

"You're not my daughter, you're just a murderer who killed my wife, and tried to kill an innocent lady out of jealousy"

He scoffed and shook her off of him with force.

The guard quickly grabbed her and continued to escort her after deeply apologizing to the Duke.

"Ah what a wretched life this is, do I truly deserve any of this?

Why can't these people understand that my only crime is loving Cyril too much."

The guard escorted her all the way out of the palace and shoved her into a carriage and locked it.

Soon it began to move, Linette had naively assumed they were heading back to the duchy so her criminal affairs could be handled in private.

When the carriage finally stopped and she peaked out the window to see the town square filled with a rowdy crowd she understood how terribly mistaken she was.

Without any time to collect her thoughts the guard promptly quickly opened the carriage door and promptly dragged her out and began escorting her through the crowd of people.

People were shouting and throwing things, it was so chaotic she could think or assess her situation.

Soon enough the guard escorted her to the center of the crown where a platform was erected, on top of it she saw the person she loved the most, and the person she loathed the most.

There on the platform stood the Crown prince Cyril and Eloise Amarette looking down at her as if she were a bug.

She was so angry, but she couldn't say anything, what was there to say anyway?

She was pushed up the stairs leading to the platform and fell to her knees at the top.

She looked over at the crown prince with her tired eyes

"You're my fiance.. Please"

she meekly called out to him.

He said nothing, it was as if she wasn't even reflected in his eyes, she was nothing but a speck of dust to him.

Then Eloise walked up to her, bent down and began talking to her.

"No one cares about you, if they did you wouldn't be here right now."

She smirked and glanced at the angry crowd.

"Everyone, even those filthy commoners hate you, they think you're a curse on this world."

"You bitch" Linette muttered while glaring up at Eloise.

Eloise got up and ran to the crown prince's arms with tears in her eyes. And whispered something to him Linette couldn't quite hear.

The the crown prince gestured to the guards and they forced Linette face first to the ground

"For the crime of tormenting and trying to murder the future queen of this land Linette Rosendway will be executed for her crimes!"

The crown prince loudly announced, causing the crowd to erupt in joyous cheers and applause.

"No this can't be happening"

She began weeping, but her cries were drowned out over the sound of rejoicing.

Linette closed her eyes and braced herself.

The crown prince pulled out his sword, looked down on the frail women forced on the ground with tears in her eyes and with no remorse, sliced her neck off in one clean sweep.


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