I don't have a fever! I am blushing... Forget what I said. (Taichi x Reader)

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anon requested: "I don't have a fever! I am blushing! I mean... I have a fever... Forget what I said." w/taichi nanao from a3! Thank you sm! :3 <3


Taichi was sitting on a branch, watching the sun go down. The sky was colored in a bright orange, while birds flew through the sky so free, chirping here and there and probably flying home or to their families. One thing that Taichi wished to do but couldn't, as he run away. Not from his family or his friends and troupe members, no, he actually tried to flee from you. His crush. That one person that could always made his heart stop just by watching their sweet smile.

The redhead leaned on his palms, thinking about what had happened on the day, making him dash off far away from his room...


He had thought that it was just a normal day at the Mankai Company, but the autumn troupe member was so wrong.

"Taichi!~" He heard your voice as cheerful as ever. "There you are. What are you doing there?" You asked your dear friend, who held back his laugher as he stared at the door to only see your head leaning into the room. "Hey, (y/n). I wanted to go to the park. Wanna come with me?" He asked you, standing up from his chair and leaving his homework on the desk, hoping that Tsumugi could help him later on with it again.

The redhead could have asked you too, but he preferred to spend his time with you somewhere else. Not in his dorm room, stuck with his damn homework that were too strange and complicating for his liking. "Sure, but before we go, I have to ask you something." He nodded his head, waiting for the question to only see you walking into his room and point at your new clothes. "Do you like it? I bought them with Yuki." You asked him, once again smiling that sweet smile that he always loved to see.

"You look g-good..." Taichi gulped, scratching his neck, as he eyes the floor with interest, hoping that you won't see the small blush that graced his cheeks. "Just good?" You puffed your cheeks, pouting at him for a second until you walked to him. "Don't you mean-" Your eyes wandered from his face to his desk, seeing some words scribbled on a few papers with a photo underneath it. Unfortunately, you couldn't take a closed look at them, as Taichi tried to drag you out of his room. "C-Come on! Let's go!"

He really wanted to leave, but why?

You raised your eyebrow at him in confusion, pulling your wrist away from him. Your feet walked to his desk, ignoring him, as he tried to even stand in front of you, always trying his very best to get you away from it. "Just let me take a small glance at it!" You said, storming to his desk to grab the two papers and the photo off of it.

You run past his grabby hands to climb and jump on his bed, to stare at it.

The first paper was just a few words. Probably history or something like that with many question marks and three questions that he might wanted to ask his teacher or Tsumugi. You flipped it away and saw the photo as Taichi climbed onto his bed, groaning and pouting that he needed his stuff back.

The photo was when Taichi and you had to spend your time at your school, helping your class during the school festivals to make some pancakes and sell them. You never thought that you would have so much fun on this day, but it was probably because you had spend your sweet time with that clumsy friend of yours, that had nearly destroyed the pancake maker by slipping on a puddle and knocking it on the ground like a wrestler. Your teacher wasn't so happy about it, nagging at the both of you, but you stifled your laugher, holding Taichi's hand, who nearly laughed at your teacher.

And now comes the last paper...

Taichi tried to take it away, but you shoved the photo into his hand with a smile, glancing at the paper in front of you. There were many doodles of aliens and other things on it and even a skateboard. But when you took a closer look at the paper, you saw your name written on it and a small heart near your name. There was even a drawn umbrella at the end of the paper, which he tried erase, but you could still see the fine outlines of it.

"Cute." You just said, smiling more and more the longer you stared at it.

Your (e/c) eyes moved up, watching Taichi's expression that turned from shocked and fear to unreadable. Even for you. His whole face got redder as he couldn't move. He couldn't even stop eyeing your beautiful orbs that he wished to see every second in his life.

"Taichi...? Are you okay? You are as red as your hair. Are you sure that you are okay and want to go out? Maybe you have a fever?" You asked him, putting your hand softly on his warmed cheeks to feel the hot warmth of his body.

"I don't have a fever! I am blushing! I mean... I have a fever..." He stuttered, now closing his eyes in fear to see your reaction. "Forget what I said." He jumped off of his bed, rushing out of his room and ignoring your calls.

How embarrassing...

"I am so stupid... It was so embarrassing... Why am I so stupid...!?" Taichi voiced out his thoughts, clenching his palms on his lap. "I would say... cute. Just like a puppy, you know? A lovable puppy." A familiar voice commented, chuckling as the redhead turned his head to the direction, he heard the voice from to only stutter out your name.

Taichi wanted to ask you how you found him, but then you interrupted him, telling him that he wanted to come here, so you just walked here to find him.

Nodding his head, he watched you carefully as you dropped yourself onto the branch, leaning slightly on your dear friend. Your eyes never left the sky, watching the sun go down so slowly. Taichi's eyes wandered from your face towards the beautiful scenery in front of him, not noticing how your hands moved towards his, holding each other. Your lips curled up to smiles, as you two not wanted to leave the branch and each other's presence.

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