Freestyle Dancing (Banri, Kumon)

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anon requested:
Do you mind Banri and Kumon with a s/o who does freestyle dancing?


Banri Settsu

🍂 Hell, there are going to be many competitions between you two, when Banri heard of your talent and even saw it with his own eyes!

🍂 "Babe, you are great, but I'm better."

🍂 At first, it was a little rivalry between you two, but you didn't hate each other, hell, you were dating and loved one another, but Banri couldn't be perfect everywhere, so you didn't wanted to let him win in freestyle dancing!

🍂 Expect Juza to cheer for you a lot, even Kumon does it! Some just want to watch you two dancing, while others bet who would win, because you two were great at it!

🍂 No matter what, it was fun. You enjoyed to do the one thing that you loved so much with the one person you dated and cared for. Even Banri felt the same way.

🍂 Some other times, when you two were alone, you danced a little bit. Even tried Tango and other dances, and you were great!

Kumon Hyodo

⚾️ To Kumon, Juza was always the coolest! But after he met you, his mind changed and he knew two great and cool people now!

⚾️ The first time, when you were bored and danced, he couldn't glance away and just stared at you, smiling brightly and told everybody about it! You were just awesome!~

⚾️ "Oh my gosh! Can you teach me, (y/n)!?" He asked you happily, nearly jumping on you and hugging you to death, when you said okay.

⚾️ "No, the other arm. Over there, and your leg should do this and- Yeah, that's good, Kumon." He remembered you of a puppy, who learned his first steps, when he started his freestyle dancing lessons.

⚾️ He asked a few of his troupe members to teach him some dance moves so he could impress you!

⚾️ Whenever Kumon sees some dance moves, he asks you to do them so he could see a pro and beautiful person dance.

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