Dating (Izumi x Reader)

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miru-n requested:
mhmngh your fics are so cute! if you write for female character, can i request Izumi x Reader? i need some appreciations for our dear Director-chan uwu


🍛 We all know that Izumi is smart, but oh no... Why was she so oblivious when it comes to your crush on her? Like... Everybody already figured out! It even made Masumi jealous and always grumpy, whenever you talked to her or barely touched her. ... Did you just pat her head? Better run away! Grumpy Masumi is coming!

🍛 All in all, everybody shipped you two. They even have shipping-names for you two, which makes Izumi laugh, not understanding that you have feelings for the curry-lover. They even bet when you finally confess to her, I mean... You kinda have to so that she will realize it! I hope that you are brave enough!

🍛 "Izumi are you making curry again?" - "Yes, but this time, I made it a little bit different! I-" And she talked with enthusiasm about her curry. Every Mankai Troupe Member just left the building, in hope to get something else and not her "famous curry", while you sat there next to her, listing every word she talked about. (and hope that Masumi won't come back so fast)

🍛 So one day you stood in front of her room, taking deep breaths. In and out. Even tried a few mantras to keep you calm, until the Mankai Director bumped into you. "Ohh, (y/n)! What are you doing here? Do you need help with something?" She asked you with a smile set on her lips like on every other day you see her.

🍛 "I like you!" That was unexpected for the both of you... "O-Oh... I wanted to tell you it later but-" - "Oh, I like you too. I like everyone here."

🍛 But don't give up! Yeahhh, maybe she kind of friendzoned you, but it was because she didn't realized that it was a damn confession!

🍛 "Want to go to the new curry restaurant nearby? The others don't want to go there." She asked you as her eyes brighten, thinking about her favorite food. Letting out a soft sigh, you nodded your head and followed her.

🍛 After a month, you had some courage to confess your feelings again, after that one failed day you never wanted to think about. So here you stood. In front of the girl of your dreams, as she went on about a few things. What was she talking about? Something that the boys did? Curry again? Theater or maybe something she read in one of the magazines that laid on the desk near her. Facing her, you cupped her face in your hands as she stopped her rambling, confused of what you wanted to do next, you kissed her soft lips for a second before flicking her on the forehead. "I like you in that kind of way, Izumi-Chan! Please, remember it next time I tell you it again. I like you."

🍛 "Hey... Soo...." You scratched your head. "Want to go to your favorite restaurant? As a date?"

🍛 "Yeah!" Grabbing each other's hands, smiling like children in a candy store, you finally had your first date.

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