Cheering up (Chikage x Reader)

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anon requested:
Hello! Could I request a scenario with Chikage comforting the reader? Thank you very much in advance!


You had a bad week. So many things had happened to you! Your favorite clothes got dirty and ripped, by you falling down a small mountain, still unsure of how that happened. Then you run into a wall, having a small fever for two days and you might or might not have accidently destroyed a wedding cake, when you bumped into two now angry people at the full street.

Sighing and grumbling into your pillow, you were currently laying on your stomach, face meeting the comfy white pillow beneath you, as you hear nearby footsteps. A chuckle interrupted your thoughts of sadness and anger that you felt this entire week of weakness and despair.

"Who wants to speak with the unluckiest person on earth?" Your voice was too muffled for many people, but thankfully Chikage knew you better than anybody else on this planet. He could read you like an open book. Always knew what you had in mind and what you wanted. Maybe that is why you cared what he thought about you and what not. Or maybe it was for your strange relationship of are-they/will-they/won't-they-be-a-couple-thing. You two shared deep feelings for each other, even held hands and kissed each other's cheeks, but it was never so official with you two, which made you always think of bad scenarios.

"Bad day?" Chikage asked you, walking into your direction to sit next to you. You tried to nod with your head, but it was quite hard with your face laying up flat on the pillow. "Come on. I'm sure that you will be alright. It's Friday night. Should I show you a few magic tricks?" The greenhaired man asked you, as you turned around to stare into his bright eyes. "No, thanks. That won't cheer me up... Aren't you supposed to learn the script for your upcoming play?" Raising your eyebrow at the man you liked a lot, he chuckled into his palm, ruffling your hair a few seconds later. "I should, but cheering you up is much more important to me."

You eyed the man with a small smile on your lips. Hearing him say that, cheered you up a little bit, until the man sitting next to you said something, that made your heart flutter. "If my magic tricks won't cheer you up... Maybe a date will?"

"With pleasure."

And with a lot of hope, Chikage tried his best to cheer you up during your first date. The first date from many others.

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