talented ice skater s/o (Azami x Reader)

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anon requested:
Hello! Hope you're doing good today :) if it's not a strain could I please request Azami dating reader who is a talented ice skater and they need help with their make-up.

If you don't want to do it, feel free to ignore this request! Have a good day, I love your writing so much!💕


💄 You slide on the thick ice so gracefully and wonderful. Nobody could ever look as beautiful as you and those thoughts make Azami blush.

💄 The youngest actor of the Mankai Company just wishes to use some make-up skills on you to see your sweet face up close, but he could never be brave enough to ask you it directly, which is why he jumped out of the seat as you asked the blackhaired actor how to apply make-up on.

💄 He will be happy to show it to you and wants to teach you everything!

💄 But like Sakyo, Azami will be a strict teacher, especially when it comes to the things he loves most.

💄 You + make-up = Azami being the happiest boy alive!!!

💄 "Wait, no. You are doing it wrong. Hold still, I will try to do it." He says, putting lipstick on your soft lips, trying to ignore the fact that he wants to kiss you so hard right now.

💄 One of his thoughts: "Am I dead? Is the heaven???"

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