androgynous s/o (Yuki, Taichi)

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anon requested:
hey!! Can I get a headcanons for Taichi and Yuki with a fem reader who looks androgynous and sometimes gets mistaken for guy lmaoo


Yuki Rurikawa

🧵 It was funny for a few friends of yours, that you were often mistaken to be the opposite gender.

🧵 Yuki was often mistaken for a girl, as he was wearing cute dresses and the color pink.

🧵 You two looked like a cute couple, no matter what. Just with the opposite genders, but you didn't care. You two loved each other no matter what or how the other one dressed and looked like.

🧵 If you try to changer your appearance, Yuki will help you as he will always try to be the most supportive boyfriend you could ever get.

🧵 Secretly, he has a small sketchbook of many sketches for costumes. One was a wedding dress and the other one a smoking. He is very sure that the day will come in which you will wear that beautiful dress, he designed.

Taichi Nanao

🐶 Let's be honest. Taichi always wants to date someone. He would never care how the person would looks like, so he doesn't care if you would look androgynous at all! As long as you are a nice, sweet person and cared for him, he will always be a happy puppy.

🐶 If you are angry or upset of how people mistake you for a guy, he will try to cheer you up immediately!

🐶 And Taichi will be the boyfriend, who wanted to help you with your situation, if you wanted to stop people to think of you as a man.

🐶 "Do you maybe want to wear this? Should I go and ask Azami how to use makeup? Maybe we can find a way!"

🐶 But if you didn't care, then he will also not care about it at all. "If you are happy, then I'm happy as well!"

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