Thirty One

14 1 35


Maybe I should move to Slumden.

From what I passed by as I drove, I could tell it thrived as a center of creativity and community. Murals illuminated buildings with vibrant colors, and the inviting ambiance of quaint cafes had residents and visitors hooked.

The cultural heritage of Slumden was palpable in every facet of the city. From the intricate designs adorning century-old structures, to the mosques and churches littering the streets, it seemed like a city of tradition.

It started to rain heavily halfway through the city and I was convinced Solaris' weather finally caught up to us.

Thor was half-asleep in the passengers seat. He found sleeping in the back a little lonely.

He grunts, seemingly not having slept well yesterday.

Watching him struggle to sleep made me realize that I'd definitely successfully traumatized my best friends. The exorcism wasn't something I wanted them to see, but their loyalty and support exposed them to the most horrid images imaginable. They both were getting no rest, and it was all because of me.

''We're almost there, Thor.'' I murmur.

We were on our way to Slumden Motel, the cheapest lodging place I could find within a 16 mile radius. I brought nearly all of my savings and allowance money along with me, giving me about a three hundred dollar budget.

Man, I needed a job.

''What're you thinking about?'' Thor's sleepy voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look at him briefly, finding him staring through heavy lids.


He makes himself comfortable by shifting a bit. ''You have that 'everything is falling apart' look on your face. Tell me."

The rasp in his voice sent shivers down my spine.

I'd rarely got to see him in this state: hair disheveled, dazed and dopey. It made my heart swell just peeking at him from my peripheral.

"I do not have a 'everything is falling apart' look."

"Yeah, you do. Even when we were kids. Your nose scrunches up and your lips get all pouty. What's wrong?"

Everything. I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.

"Nothing, really."


I freeze. He only really calls me that when he's serious.

"I've been dragging you and Martie into my shit lately. I mean look at you, you're sleep deprived. Martie's even starting to see—"

I catch myself getting worked up. I needed to calm down before I bumper car an innocent driver.

"See what?"

"A presence. She doesn't quite see it, but she knows it's there and it wants to hurt her."

Thor stays quiet, frowning to himself as he looks ahead.

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