Chapter 3

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Warning, Douma being an idiot

As the day ends and demons become more active while humans choose either to sleep or walk among their predators, the reigning Kizuki wakes. The usual colorful eyes are glowing as drool escapes jaws that open, exposing fangs, a tongue gliding over them once as the scent of something delicious is thick in the air. A rumble begins to grow as red consumes his vision.

Kotoha wakes to a familiar pain in her abdomen.

Was it really that time again?

She didn't think her period would come with everything that had changed in her life but nature found a way.

Her mind was still muddled with sleep, barely registering that she was on her back and her legs were propped up.

No she did not have the slightest clue as to what was going on till a tongue sucked on her clit. Her eyes shoot open and her heart rate picks up as the tongue enters her. Her core was invaded by that cool organ that had been just as familiar with her core as the member of the demon that is currently between her legs.

She starts to realize he is purring, the vibrations from his torso translate to her thighs as they are pressed against his shoulders.

The tip of his tongue keeps reaching further and further inside her. Kotoha knew Demons can manipulate some parts of their body, she's seen Douma often change his eyes, hiding his rank and making himself more human in front of her.

As of now, she remembers that Douma isn't restricted to human limits as he pushes more and more, tasting her. Kotoha feels so heated as her womb aches. Shedding to replace an egg that will never be fertilized.

Depression hits her like diving in water, threatening to choke her at how quickly it overwhelms her. She hated feeling emotional at this time and useless thoughts such as a possible goal or future made her feel worse.

Lewd wet sounds come from the sucking and licking of Douma as he continues his task of eating her out, consuming the iron and blood. His purring intensifies as he hears Kotoha moan, and squeak even as she reaches climax. He drinks all that's available to him, tongue gathering it to be swallowed down his throat.
She was a feast. He knows he only eats women because they are more nutritious. For they have to be ready to carry new life after maturity. To taste what would have been the start of new life was like the difference between fresh grape juice to wine. It wasn't everyone's taste but he'll gorge himself.

"MMMM AH Douma~!" Those small hands grasp harder on his hair as his tongue pokes at her cervix. The blood was strongest and so his greed got the best of him.

Growing his tongue a bit more to be longer and soon his songbird was throwing her head back as he started to explore her womb.

His eyes rolled back, his purring becoming more bass in tone at the flavor he had on his tastebuds.

She was divine.

His purrs change at the last of the blood as he retreats, it is gathered to be swallowed. His purring changes to growls, something coming over him as his feral self examines the taste of the woman before him.


Douma would pull back, his mane falling away from his eyes to reveal that no pupils are there, void of any thoughts except primal ones.


His tongue ran over his fangs, the last of the blood seating on his tongue as he crawled up. Kotoha was watching him, noticing something was different from before compare to other couplings.

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