Chapter 2

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Trigger warning because Douma.

"Tell me Kotoha-chan, do you have a dream?" His arms pull his songbird close to him. He sets his chin on her shoulder as she contemplates for a moment.

Two weeks have passed since he got her and she has kept him invested the entire time. When he wasn't busy taking care of pests that have overstepped and other relations, he would spend his days and nights with her. Currently, they were doing one of his favorite activities that he hasn't done with anyone else in his harem.

Really should have been a sign that showed how much he favored her.

For no one else simply has a Sake bath, much less a human in a demon society nowadays. Alcohol was a luxury that only the highest of income could buy and that's with demons protecting the product because of how gluttonous most can be with the substance.

But Douma has a routine because he can't enjoy alcohol like that anymore. After only a few cups, he would get sick and throw it up. A waste but demons still do it.

So a Sake bath is part of his routine that he takes often. With a private seller, he was always stocked for when he wanted the therapeutic sensation and hot water.

This was the fourth Sake Bath Douma had shared with Kotoha and it'll probably end like the others. For now, they had been soaking for well over forty minutes, the heated water mixed with Sake does wonders for their skin.

Hers has become so much softer to hold.

"Douma-sama, I don't really have any dreams." Douma pouts and pulls her with him as he leans against the bathtub lid.

"Nothing big, it can be simple." Douma wants to know. He's eager to pick her brain and thought process. It was something that kept him busy over the centuries he has been alive. Few humans have been as intriguing as her and he wanted more.

It was always more he craved. He wanted to know why his heart pumped for her and perhaps know her dreams, her desires.

"Well..." He would fulfill it if he could, for she was his songbird that he won't let leave him so easily.

"Before...I wanted to live somewhere quiet and with someone who would care to love me." Douma hums, listening to her. It was a human wish to be simple and have no worries.

"-I thought I would have a chance to have a little one of my own." A sad smile crosses her face and she lays her head on his chest. Twirling her finger around a wet lock of his. Even in the heated water, he can feel the tear that leaves her.

"I guess it's a useless dream of mine. Never to be fulfilled." Silence settles over them before he brings a clawed hand to her face, cradling it. She leans into it, seeking some comfort.

As much as having her blood continue in another generation was a thought, he wouldn't allow her to be with another male. Beyond the idea of it tainting her beauty. It was something he didn't allow to any of his harem members. Once they came in, they would only know his touch till death. Yes, they could take female lovers and he doesn't stop them. If he catches wind that they've been touched by a male, human, or demon after he has had them, well he throws them to the ferals.

He won't give his Kotoha to the ferals, she is too sweet.

"If no one else does, I'll remember that dream of yours," Douma states and he would.

Speaking of Kotoha being sweet.

His songbird squeaks as he moves her to his lap and turns her to face him, a grin stretched across his face. His colorful eyes are twinkling in the candlelight that illuminates the place only for her to see. His demonic eyesight needed no such light to see the goddess in front of him. His fangs are showing as he gently takes hold of her chin.

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