9. Blooming Frendship 🪷

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Aanchal take us to her house and it is relatively clean and somewhat organised.
It is two story house with two room each and has shade outside of house .
There coming fresh citruses smell from house .
I like this house and most importantly I like her and her personality.
She is cheerful and cute .

"Sooooooooo do you like it . And do you want to eat . Where do you leave and how many mate do you have . Do you have any cub . Hhhhh?"

O my god she is sooo cute and talkative too . I think she love to talk and make friends. I like her and wanted to be friends with her.

" Heeey one question at a time okey .
And yes I love this house .
I leave near river .
I have 2 Mate and 4 courting me and I think there are going to be my mate soon.
And I have one female cub her name is zena"

I personally don't like to shere my personal information with anyone but Aanchal is different, I didn't see any malicious thought in her eyes.
"Ooooo that's good my female cub lina can be friend with her . You know she is so shy ." She said to me and obviously I agree with her.

We talk so much that we didn't see time and it's evening time . I asked her to come at my house sometime and promise her that I would cook for her some vegitarian food .

After that me and Rudra make our way to our houses.

"Hey why are you so late hun. Are you doing something that you shouldn't do." Harvey asked more like teases me .
He is always in mood to flirt or tease me but I like this Harvey batter than the always responsible and gloomy one because this is his true nature.

"Noooo we didn't do anything except talking. I just save cub and than take him to his mother , her name is Aanchal and you know what we both become friends and I like her she is soooo cute and talkative." I finished my ranting and looked at them they look concern for some matter and than I understand why .

They thought that she has some ulterior motives to be friends with me because we leave in beastworld there is no concept of frendship but I know that she is not that kind of girl.
So I make them understand that she isn't that kind of girl and I think they do trust my Word .

We all eat and I give good bye kiss to my four lovely beast man.

I was in bedroom making my lovely baby to sleep when my husband or mate came and started talking to me after Zena sleep I make her sleep in her bad in her room.

After that me and my hulk of husbands have wonderful but tiring night and yes it was a threesome. An awesome, wonderful, mind-blowing threesome.


Today I am going on date with jai and Krishna both because they wanted to go togather.

They take me forest and show me tree house they made . It is very pretty and I love that it is clean and have minimalist style.

We talk and ask questions we wanted to hear they tell me that they are both bisexual and they do have felling for each other but they do wanted to court me too.

They thought that I would not understand tham but I do .

I tell them that I do not have any problem with that but I did not want any argument and misunderstanding between three of us regarding our felling so I ask them to communicate with eachother about what they truly want and are they ready to take me as mate when they have felling for eachother and did it going to cause hindrance in there love.

We three actually talk a lot about this topic and I am now relieved that they are as serious about this relationship as they are about each other and they wanted to work it with me and my family after that we take stroll in forest and there is this beautiful garden type space where are thousands of flowers in full bloom.
It's breathtakingly beautiful, I don't have word to express it
I just love it.

After sight seeing and talking we ate there and started our journey back to our home.


Now I am going on date with Curtis and he take us near riverside.

I spent all day with him and I didn't feel any bad vibe from him .

He has introvert personality and doesn't talk much but he is caring and understanding and has this billionaire C.E.O. vibe that are tough on outside and soft in inside just like coconut.

We talk a lot and he tell me that he is snake beastman but he is not feral because where he come from snake beastman also live in colony and have there own system.

I like that he is loved and doesn't go through so much tough time according to this world.

We generally did talking and eating not much other than that but it is fun and peaceful. We did play 20 questions on my insist and talk about general things and I kind of like him and actually all four of them I dicide to mate with them and then after winter season I wanted to go on journey and explore this whole world.

We pack our thing and went to our home where my Lovely mates are waiting for me .


After that I talk to my family and they do not have any problem with four of them and they are ready to accept them in family .

And next day I told my dicition to them and ask them to live with us .

And they went to pack there belongings.

At afternoons when Winston was in forest for hunting me and Harvey was at home and preparing food Aanchal come to our home with two of her mates .

Harvey show them outhouse more like simple one room which is out of our hoses I ask Winston to make for our guest because beastman doesn't go in to house which has female in it .

They can only go or touch other females when it is an emergency or female are there mates , mother, or sisters or male do not have attraction towards females .
Yes you heard it right this world has concept like homosexuality and it did not frown on and they do not hide it.
I love this think about this world that all beastman doesn't have to live hiding there felling.

I take Aanchal into my home .


I am so sorry 🙏🙏for this late update but I am not in right mindset to write.

So update are going to take longer time so I am sorry in advance.

But I do not wanted to write in this toxic time to ruin my first ever book.

Please vote and comment if you like this chapter. It give me lot of courage to write and face this time.

Written on 28 April 2024

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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